Yoga Therapy For Depression | Incredible Yoga Asanas To Cure Depression

Depression is prevalent in a large chunk of the population today. In today’s fast-paced world, people rarely have time for one another. Every body is busy chasing his or her own goals, which leads to isolation for the people around them. Over 300 million people from varied age groups have fallen prey to depression, today. Many studies are underway, trying to relate yoga with depression. So, you can also find out some information through this article, and ease some of the stress from your life as well. If you are in doubt, you can also head to a Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh.

The best retreats have some well-curated courses for all those who are suffering from depressive symptoms.
According to some of the authoritative organizations, yoga has the power to reduce the effects of stress, reduce anxiety associated with depression, and also improves energy. You may know that yoga as a combination of asanas. However, yoga is much more than that. There is Pranayama, which is the manipulation of breathing. Apart from that, you can also engage in meditation, which can also aid in reducing depression. You can manage various emotional and mental problems, associated with depression, by practicing yoga on a regular basis.

How Does Yoga Therapy Works For Depression ?

The proper combination of meditation and movements are the two wonder ingredients, which can relieve your depression. Meditation also allows you to arrive at the present, and forget about the past. You will even forget about the future that lies ahead, as you take each day as it comes. To top it, breathing exercises allow the Prana to circulate inside the body, and thus opens the blockages. So, you can feel free and less stressed.

Now, it is possible to head to a yoga centre in rishikesh to learn about the correct processes. The learned teachers at the schools, will teach you poses and kriyas that can aid you in the treatment process. Yoga can act as a complementary process, that can aid your psychological treatment.

Yoga Therapy For Depression

Incredible Yoga Asanas To Cure Depression

⦁ Balasana – It is quite popular as the Child’s pose. It has the power to provide you with stability and calmness. If you practice this regularly, you can get rid of depressive symptoms. It is hailed as one of the most comfortable poses in yoga, and anybody can do it. This is a yoga asana or pose which helps in stretching the lower back and the hips. Your body will feel relaxed after you have practiced this asana for a few times. Moreover, the asana involves the contact of the floor and the forehead, so you will also feel much more grounded. This increases the overall stability.

⦁ Halasana – Also called the Plough pose, this is another important, but easy asana which you can do, if plagued by depression. It also reduces the strain on your back. When you stretch your back, it instantly soothes the brain. Thus, reducing the stress from your mind. If you suffer from frequent headaches and insomnia, then this is for you. When you perform this pose, the head is placed just below the level of the heart. This is one of the most soothing positions, in which you can place your body. Your nervous system is cooled down as well.

⦁ Shavasana – This is another very popular pose, which is also called as Corpse pose. It is supposed to be done at the end of each asana session. It is one of the most effective poses for anxiety and exhaustion. When you engage your body in this relaxing form, all your tensions are eased out. Join a yoga class in rishikesh, to get the results.

Nadi Shodhana – This is one of the most important breathing techniques, which is also called as Alternate Nostril breathing. It helps to balance the energies on wither side of the main Sushumna nadi. Moreover, it is also believed to balance both the hemispheres of the brain. If you are looking for emotional balance, then this is quite apt. You can practice it after learning the proper ways, from an eminent yoga teacher in Rishikesh.

⦁ Bhastrika Pranayama – Is another important Pranayama, which you will learn in the process of exploring the yogic realm. This is also called Bellow’s breath breathing technique. This Pranayama calms and purifies the mind, while reducing the symptoms of depression.

There are many such asanas and Pranayamas, which you can practice as a part of the treatment process. Most western doctors also suggest patients of Depression, to make yoga a part of life. You can also do so and enjoy the myriad benefits that come, with it. It is a holistic and transformative journey, which can help you to stay happy and content at all times. However, always learn the same under good schools, as the correct practices will yield the best results.

Yoga Therapy For Depression

Pramod Sahoo
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