Yoga Therapy For Ear Disorder | 4 Incredible Yoga Poses For Hearing Disorders

Yoga Therapy For Ear Disorder The good news is that, yoga has a cure for all kinds of ailments. It can be preventative, curative or therapeutic, but yoga touches lives like no other. One of the alternative healing sciences, you can fall back on yoga for many reasons. If you happen to meet one of the learned teachers at the yoga school in rishikesh, then you will know of many such diseases, that yoga has treated. One of the most important factors that drives our daily lives, is that of hearing. However, people tend to ignore the ears the most. You will rarely find anyone cleaning their ears on a daily basis. That is the reason, why dirt tends to settle inside the ears. Moreover, bacteria and fungi may also develop, which may cause ear ailments. Yoga can provide you with a few effective exercises, that can treat ear ailments and also prevent progressive hearing loss. Exercises in any form, can positively affect hearing. It mainly works by improving blood circulation to the brain and also prevents damage to the cells in the ears. Moreover, yoga and other exercises can increase and improve nerve functioning along with the removal of harmful toxins.

Yoga For Hearing Disorders

If you head to do yoga at Rishikesh, then you will get to learn about some of the best yoga practices that includes asana, Pranayama and kriyas. Learn about them in complete detail. ⦁ Bhramari Pranayama – Bhramari is one of the Pranayamas, which you can practice today. It is also called as Bee Breath. This Pranayama mainly works on the ears, nose, and the throat. While doing this Pranayama, you have to make a sound that emulates the humming of bees, through the throat. Moreover, you need to keep the thumb on the cartilage of both ears. This creates an echo inside the ears. This Pranayama is extremely beneficial for tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss. The same also stimulates the hair cells inside the ears. This kind of stimulation leads to the generation of electrical impulses that improve hearing. It also unclogs the sinuses and blocked ears. You can start this Pranayama or breathing exercise, while sitting in meditative asanas. ⦁ Karnapidasana – It is also called Ear Pressure pose. It helps to stretch the spine and also controls the pressure within the ears. It helps with proper balancing. You can do this asana extremely easily. Just start in Halasana or the Plough pose, to start with. After staying in the position for about 30 seconds, you must keep the legs extended straight and joined together. Then you must proceed with the bending of the knees, and keep them close to the ears. You have to press both the knees against the ears. The toes will be stretched towards the back. The palms will be aligned with the normal direction of the body. You can stay in the pose for around 1 minute. ⦁ Makarasana – It is also called as the Crocodile pose. This is a pose, which is good for the ears. It also helps with overall relaxation. Moreover, you can get rid of acute pain as well. The practice helps in balancing both the ears. You must lie down on your stomach, to start with. Bend the right knee on the right side, with the hip and foot facing outwards. The left leg remains straight. You have to place the right hand folded, and rest the head and face the left. You have to keep the left-handed folded, with palms down on the left side, some distance away from the shoulders. You can maintain this pose with normal breathing for at least 30 seconds to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School is one of the best schools, which can provide proper knowledge about the asanas for hearing loss. ⦁ Shunya Mudra – Mudras are subtle practices, which can help you to cure many ailments. Ear ailments are just one of the issues, which mudras can cure. You might also hear the name called Akash Mudra. The five fingers represent the 5 elements, air, water, earth, fire, and space. The third finger has to be brought in contact with the thumb, in this mudra. The thumb represents the fire element. The mudra can cure various ailments like hearing loss, vertigo, and dizziness. These are a few of the yoga practices, which you can use for ear disorders. You will be amazed to know, that all the above practices are extremely beneficial for ear disorders and hearing loss. The positive effects of yoga are recognized by various journals, so you can be sure of its effectiveness. Head to the best yoga school in rishikesh to learn about various asanas, Pranayamas, and mudras for ear ailments. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School will show you the right way to do all such practices and more.
Pramod Sahoo
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