Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with 3 Amazing Yoga Asanas

Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Yoga is one of the healing modalities, or ancient therapies, which can change your life. And, we say this, not just due to its physical benefits, but mental as well. Moreover, constant research has shown that yoga can affect the health management function quite well. If you are fit and fine, and practice yoga, that is a good thing. You will be able to prevent many different diseases at stage 1. However, for all those leading a sedentary life, may have to choose between yoga or other healing modalities, to get cured of their existing illnesses.

If you suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, you need to ensure that your physical health and mental health is functioning at an optimum. Join a Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, where you will get sound advice on yoga therapy and its several benefits.

For now, you can get basic information on disease management, with the help of yoga. For customized solutions, you might need to connect with a yoga school in India.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

For all those, who are in the pink of health, must know what the disease is all about. It is basically a chronic illness, in which the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed. It can lead to abdominal pain, flatulence, bloody stools, and diarrhoea. There are two kinds of IBD, one that affects the large intestines and the second one affects the small intestine. IBD can also be a result of psychological reasons, like stress and nervousness. Moreover, it can also be genetic. It is a Chronic autoimmune illness, which does not go away totally. However, you can manage it with yoga practice.

Yoga Therapy For Inflammatory Bowel Disease

There are several practices which you can undertake today, as a part of yoga. There are asanas, breathworks, and meditation, which you can try out to get relief from IBD.

3 Amazing Yoga Asanas For Inflammatory Bowel Disease

You can learn and master the asanas from the best yoga centre in rishikesh. Bhujangasana is one of the asanas, which we are talking about here. You have to lie down on the floor, on your stomach. Then, slowly prop yourself up, with the help of your hands. The hands will be bent at the elbows, with the fingers pointing forward. The legs will be straight at the back, stretched out. You will be taking a deep breath and propping yourself up.

The belly button may just touch the floor. You have to keep the arms close to the chest. Hold the position for some time and then release. This is an extremely beneficial asana, which gives massage to the abdominal area. The organs will start functioning well, after you start with this practice regularly.

Paschimottasana is another asana, which you can do today. You have to be in seated position, like in Dandasana or Staff pose. You have to stretch the hands to touch the toes. In this pose, your forehead will come in contact with the knees. If you have been practicing yoga for a while, you may be having a supple and flexible body. In that case, you will be able to hold the soles of the feet. The body should be bent without any hump, at the waist. Furthermore, you have to be seated on your sitting bones.

Marjaryasana is another pose, which you must try. Also called the Cat pose, you can try it out without any hindrance. You have to be on your knees and hands, in this pose. Slowly, curve your back upwards. The head will be bend downwards towards the navel. The back will be curved downwards as you inhale, pushing the abdomen towards the floor. Your head will be lifted, and you will have to look straight forward. You can hold this position for a minute or more.

⦁ Pranayama

You can try the Kapalbhati Pranayama, to get some relief, if you suffer from ulcers and Crohn’s disease. You can sit in the cross-legged position, to start with. The spine and neck should be in one straight line. You have to fill in the abdominal cavity, with a deep inhalation, at first. Thereafter, you have to breathe out, pulling the abdomen inwards. The exhalation will be more forceful, than the inhalation.

The practice is also called Skull Shining breathing technique. You can continue with this practice at least 20 times or so. After you are done, you can relax. You can also try out other cooling breathing techniques, like Shitkari Pranayama and Shitali Pranayama. These will reduce the heat inside the body.

Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

⦁ Meditative Techniques

If you want to manage the disease, indulging in meditative techniques like Yoga Nidra and chanting, along with it, may prove beneficial. If you regularly chant Aum, then it will surely calm your mind. It also improves your mental stability, so that you can manage your eating habits in a better manner. Yoga Nidra can also help you, by cooling the mind and the body. It can bring in tranquillity.

Apart from the above, you should follow a light diet, and stay hydrated all the time. You can also drink water, that is stored in a copper vessel, for at least 8 hours. This water has lots of therapeutic benefits.
Head to Hari Om Yoga Vidya School to learn about the above practices.

Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Pramod Sahoo
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