Yoga Therapy for Fatigue | 4 Incredible Yoga Poses To Reduce Fatigue

There are many people, who will always report feeling fatigued. You may be one such person. Lethargy may cause numerous problems for you, on an ongoing basis. Not getting enough rest or sleep, may be one of the reasons, why you may feel the same. Moreover, nutrient deficiencies cannot be ruled out. There may be underlying health issues as well. No matter, what the root cause is, you will feel that it affects the quality of your life. The answer to all such problems lies in visiting the Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh.

Before you try to find out a cure for such issues, it will be better to study the potential causes.

Potential Reasons For Fatigue

⦁ If you do not sleep well at night, you could be a candidate for fatigue. During sleep, the body renews itself. It also repairs and regenerates new cells. This is why, you will feel refreshed after waking up. Ideally, your sleep cycle should include the three stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep and one stage of rapid eye movement.

⦁ If you are not eating healthy meals, then also you may have exhaustion. The deficiencies mostly relate to that of Iron, Niacin, Vitamins, and Magnesium. Anaemic people also feel fatigued most of the time.

⦁ Stress can also cause fatigue and exhaustion. There may be structural and chronic inflammation as well. You can take assistance from the best yoga school in rishikesh to get the best remedies.

⦁ If you suffer from underlying conditions, then also you will feel tired and exhausted by the end of the day, and sometimes before that. Cancers, Sclerosis, Diabetes, Kidney disorders, often cause such issues. If you feel fatigued most of the time, you should head to a doctor for proper diagnosis. However, alongside that, you can take up yoga as a complementary and alternate form of treatment.

⦁ Caffeine may also cause fatigue. It is seen that at first instance, you may get a jolt of energy. However, as you get dependent on the same, fatigue will crop in.


Yoga Poses That Counter Fatigue

⦁ Balasana – It is one of the best poses, which all levels of yoga practitioners can engage in. It opens the hips and groin area, and also relaxes the back. You will feel a lot calmer after doing this asana. You can sit in Vajraasana, and then take both the hands upwards and fold the body forward from the torso. You should bring the forehead in contact with the floor. The hands should rest on the floor, ahead of you. The buttocks should be in contact with the calves. Hold the pose for some time. Breathing properly is extremely crucial, as that is when you will feel the tension melting away.

⦁ Bhujangasana – It is another yoga pose, which you can try out. You have to be on your belly, while starting the pose. Slowly, with the help of your hands, with the palms facing outwards, you must lift the torso up. The legs must be placed behind you, straight. You have to gaze at the ceiling in front of you, in the final pose. It is an uplifting backbend pose. Your abdominal area gets stimulated as a part of the pose.

Yoga Therapy for Fatigue

⦁ Adho Mukha Svanasana – It is another popular pose, which anyone can try out today. It energizes the entire body as well. You will feel a deep stretch in your spinal cord, hamstrings, torso, arms, and neck. It will also make your mood better. When you are practicing this pose, you have to ensure that you do not slip. In the final pose, you will be supporting the body on the hands, and the feet. The buttocks are high up in the air. The head and heart region gets a steady supply of oxygen, in this pose.

⦁ Shavasana – This is the final yoga pose, which follows all yoga sessions. In this pose, you will be in a state of conscious relaxation. The incumbent mainly lies flat on the ground in this pose, with the legs spread out. Your arms rest beside the body. Close your eyes and just concentrate on the breath. Maintain this position for just 10 minutes every day, and see the benefits. You can slowly come out of the pose, by rolling to one side and getting up.

These are just a few of the yoga poses, which can uplift you. You will also feel energized all day long. Additionally, you can also practice Pranayama for added relaxation. The more you relax, the better it is for you. Manipulating your breath, will yield the best results. That is why, you will see many saints and yogis roaming around happily, even after fasting for days. If you want the same boost of energy, then you must do yoga in Rishikesh. Learn about authentic yoga, and make it a part of your life.

Pramod Sahoo
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