Yoga Therapy For Heart Diseases with 3 Incredible Yoga Poses

Yoga Therapy For Heart Diseases
In recent times, you must have noticed, that heart ailments are on the rise. Atleast half the population suffer from heart ailments. According to various researches, heart diseases are spreading faster than you ever thought they will. The society today, seems to be obsessed with fitness, but still every day, there are reports about people dying at the young age of 35 years. That is one reason, why the yoga retreat in Rishikesh has become more popular. Most of you might be looking for a quick fix.

However, you can unearth the fountain of health, only when you delve deeper.
For the unversed, the main reasons why heart diseases are on the rise are Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. All of you who are tied to the work stations all day, are also quite prone to such lifestyle disorders and an increasing waistline. Heart diseases go much deeper, than what you see apparently. Let us find out more about it, and also find out the various types that commonly affect individuals.

More About Heart Diseases

You will find out soon, that heart diseases are also known by the name Coronary Heart Disease. It is one of the leading causes of death across the world today. Heart diseases mainly occur, when plaque develops inside the arteries and other blood vessels. This restricts the flow of blood. Nutrients and oxygen pathways are also blocked. Plaque mainly accumulates over a period of time, and is aggravated by cholesterol in the blood, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Most men are affected from 45 years onwards, whereas women are affected 55 years onwards. If any family member has the disease, you are at least fifty percent likely to have it too. Relying too much on processed food also aggravates the problem. If you work under high stress on a regular basis, then also the problems will be aggravated manifold.

So, if you want your heart to function properly, you have got to act fast. You should engage in a proper fitness regime, or something like yoga. Yoga acts as a preventative and well as curative therapy. Moreover, your stress will be under control, if you practice yoga. Here are a few ways, yoga can help you to get over heart diseases. You can also learn and master the asanas at a yoga school in Rishikesh today.

Yoga For Heart Diseases

⦁ Uttanasana – It is also called the Standing Forward Bend asana. In this pose, you will be stretching the entire body, and bend down to touch the feet. The head will be coming in contact with the knees in this pose. If you are a beginner, and cannot reach the floor, you can also use yoga blocks. The pose gives a good stretch to the spine, shoulders, groin, and hamstrings. You will also feel increased flexibility and pain relief as well. In this asana, as you bend down to touch the feet, the blood supply to the heart region is increased. Thus, providing you with curative therapy.


⦁ Setu Bandha Asana – It is another asana, which you can practice today. You have to start by lying flat on the ground, with the knees bent and the feet on the floor. The knees should be positioned exactly over the ankles. After you are settled in this position, you have to press the feet to the ground, and lift the buttocks from the floor. Hold it in the air. At this point, you will have to contract the muscles of the waist and hips.

After you have achieved a minimum height, according to your stamina, you can keep both hands on either side of the body, or you can roll your shoulders a bit and clasp the hands on the underside of the body. This pose also helps in strengthening the spine along with the chest area. If you have high blood pressure, then also you will be able to get some relief.

Yoga For Heart Diseases

⦁ Utkatasana – It is also called the chair pose. In this asana, you have to emulate the stance of sitting on a chair. So, this is quite apt for beginners as well. You have to bend the knees slightly and stretch both the hands forward. It exercises, the spine, hips, and the chest muscles thoroughly. The asana or pose also strengthens the core area. You will likely benefit from balance as well.

Yoga For Heart Diseases

Pranayama For Heart Diseases

Once you visit one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh, you will be able to unearth a whole lot of possibilities. Pranayama is one of them. Anulom Vilom Pranayama is one of the top practices, in which you will be exhaling through one nostril, and inhaling through the other alternately. There is a breath retention phase as well, in this practice. If you practice this Pranayama on a regular basis, you will be able to get rid of diabetes, cholesterol, as well as heart diseases.

So, you can now take that ultimate decision, to walk on the path of yoga. It is one of the holistic and therapeutic practices, that can prevent as well as cure several heart issues.

Pramod Sahoo
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