What Are Best Yoga Asanas For Staying Active All Day Long?

If you have a desk job, then it might get overwhelming at times. Sitting at the workstation has several disadvantages for the body. Most people who work this way, experience pain in the lower back, knees, and neck area. You may also develop headaches as a result of constant staring at the computer screen. It is advisable that, all those who suffer from this problem, should take some time off from their busy schedules and go for a Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh.

Even if you are not inclined to go deep into yoga, these retreats can help you to rejuvenate and come out stronger. The yoga centre in rishikesh will help you to make subtle changes in your lifestyle, even if the same is for a few days. Today, you will learn about a few yoga asanas, that can help you to stay active all day long. 

Yoga Asanas That Help You To Stay Active Always

  • Relaxation Asana – There are quite a few relaxation asanas that you can practice today. Such asanas will help you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Moreover, you can also incorporate a few breathing practices with this asana, so as to add up on the benefits. Paschimottasana is one of the most relaxing poses, that you can utilize today. It helps in lengthening the spine and also promotes instant relaxation. You will also be able to release your mental and physical stress, through the practice of the asanas. Malasana is another relaxing pose, which you can practice today. This is one of the best yoga asanas that will give the hips a good stretch, eases back pain, and also opens up the chest. These asanas are suitable for beginners and intermediates as well. Join the best yoga centre in rishikesh, to know more about such asanas. 
    • Sitting Asana – These are poses in yoga, where the practitioner has to sit in a meditative pose. Padmasana, Sukhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, and Janu Sirsasana, are some of the poses that can be classified under the section. In such asanas, you can focus more on your breathing, rather than movements. These asanas provide a lot of relaxation, and also frees the individual from stress. Your mental clarity will also improve a lot. If you are always seated on a chair, take some time out of your busy schedule to do such asanas, which are also known to remove stiffness from the groin and pelvic area. 


Yoga Asanas


    • Standing Asana – You will come across quite a few standing asanas as well, in the realm of yoga. They are Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana, and Padahastasana. These asanas are great for your lower body. Moreover, such asanas help to build the balance of the body. They also give you a grounded feeling. If you have never done yoga before, then it is a good way to initiate the practice. While doing standing poses, you can also use blocks and props, to gain strength and stability. These standing asanas are also good for your back, as you may suffer pain in that region, due to constant seating. 


Yoga Asanas


    • Balancing Asana – You can practice a few balancing asanas as well, as they can help in the development of brain functions. The brain is the main centre of the body, that co-ordinates all other functions. Most people suffer from lack of co-ordination as the body may be out of balance, without the incumbent even knowing about the same. Balancing asanas like Eka Padahastasana and Natarajasana are great to restore the balance of the body. Such asanas can stop unconscious body movements as well. Thus, improving the focus and steadiness. You may feel lethargic at times, due to excess work pressure at the workplace. Doing such asanas, will also make you feel energetic. 
  • Extension Asana – These are asanas that incorporate the extension of the backbone either in the forward or the backward direction. Your chest muscles and thorax open up, when you do such yoga asanas. When you do such asanas, your neck gets relaxed and blood supply to the head increases. The throat muscles also get a good stretch and the Thyroid glands are also affected positively. The exercise has a very calming effect in general. So, if you are tired after a hard day at work, doing such yoga asanas will help you to remain active and relaxed all day long. By joining the best yoga training in rishikesh, you will get to learn and master all such asanas or poses. 

Yoga is a great activity that can address all your mental and physical fitness needs. It can also address your emotional fitness needs. However, many people have lots of doubts in mind, that point towards the fact, that yoga may not be enough. It is a completely wrong notion. 

Yoga is in fact, one of the best ways to stay fit and active. Apart from incorporating physical activity, it also incorporates a holistic lifestyle. 

Yoga Asanas

Yoga – Active Or Passive Form Of Exercise

The best teachers will guide you on the path to holistic fitness, that includes mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School is one of the yoga schools in India, Rishikesh, where you can get the best advice on your lifestyle and related changes for the better. 

For the unversed, yoga is a passive form of exercise and that is why, everyone can do it. It is not the same as running, jogging, skipping, or swimming. However, in the course of time, you will come across more active forms like Power Yoga. Yoga happens to be a slow variety, originally, but quite potent for of exercise. It includes mindfulness in everything that you do. Deep breathing, stretching, and meditation are also a part of yoga. Yoga can help you to stay active, by combating stress-related symptoms. All those who practice Hatha Yoga experience a fall in stress causing hormones. 

If you are not able to incorporate any other form of exercise into your daily schedule, you can at least practice yoga. The best part about practicing yoga asanas, is that, it can be done anywhere. You do not need any sort of equipment, to practice yoga. If you are putting on weight due to a disorderly lifestyle, then also yoga can help you. Yoga can help all those individuals, who are battling obesity. There are some potent yoga poses like Dhanurasana and Chakra asana, which exert a lot of pressure in the abdomen area, and can lead to loss of localized fat. 

When you practice something as holistic as yoga, you are bound to feel lighter, both mentally and physically. Yoga makes the body more active, by increasing the blood circulation, so that all the organs receive a steady supply of oxygen, The best thing about this holistic science is that, anybody can do it, irrespective of age.

Additionally, there is something for everyone. You can join a hatha yoga teacher training in rishikesh, to avail yourself of all the goodness of yoga. It is one of the best avenues for all sorts of people, and can be done anywhere. Stay active all day long and enjoy a happy life, by making yoga your best companion in this life.

Yoga asanas

Pramod Sahoo
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