How Difficult Is It For A Beginner Yogi At Yoga Teacher Training?

How Difficult Is It For A Beginner Yogi At Yoga Teacher Training?

Let us start with a lot of positivity. If you love the holistic science called yoga, then it is not at all difficult. Most good yoga schools have crafted the 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh in the most perfect manner. So, you will rarely have any issue as such. A good yoga school in India like Hari Om Yoga Vidya school can give you the best training, so as to make you feel comfortable. 

You can be from any walk of life, any career, or of any age. Yoga does not segregate people based on their religion or ethnicity as well. Yoga is for everyone. You have to embrace everything that it offers, with open arms. So, it will not appear to be that difficult after all. It is the universal truth, that exists for one and all. You can get into it at any point in time. But first you should answer a few questions to yourself. Let us find out what they are.


Why Are You Taking The Training?

There may be numerous reasons behind your decision to get into yoga teacher training. Here are a few most obvious reasons for you. 

  • You may be wanting to live a more holistic life. So, this may be a good option for you. Moreover, you want to be fit and fine. 
  • You may want to delve into the background of yoga, after having heard about it for so long. You may be one of those inquisitive minds, with a thirst for the unknown. 
  • Now, there is this third category of individuals who are probably looking for a career in yoga. You may want to become a pro-yoga teacher. 

It can be just about any of these. It is indeed true, that by taking the course, the direction of yogi life will change. Moreover, you will transform into a different human being altogether. 

Now, the second thing that may arise in your mind, is whether or not a beginner can learn yoga. Yes, you can do it now, at any age. There is no particular age to learn, practice and master it.

It is exactly in this order, that people get their training. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh may be a life changing experience for you. You can give that must needed boost to your yoga teaching career. Anyone can become a yoga teacher, if they have the will to do it. The intention inside you is the most important prerequisite. 


What Should Beginners Do Before Starting The Training?

    • If you are a beginner, do not just start practicing poses abruptly. It can do you more harm than good. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh is an intense course. So, you will be working out both emotionally and physically. It is important to give your body some rest beforehand. Always keep in mind, that yoga is a long-term process or practice. You cannot achieve anything in one day. If there are people around you, who have been doing yoga for a long time, they will be more comfortable than you. 
    • You can try reading some books and webpages on yoga, to get a fair idea of what is lying ahead. Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the most popular books around. You can give it a try. It will open up the mind and also clear some of your doubts and apprehensions. 
  • You can head to the place, where you are about to start your yoga journey. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh can change the course of your life. But you have to be prepared for it, and allow it enough liberty to do what it set out to do. You can head to Rishikesh, if that is your chosen destination for yoga. It will also help you to acclimatize with the place. You can also explore the whole new culture. There are students who turn up at the last moment and head for learning. That leaves no time for self-prep. It can cause immense pressure on your brain cells. It’s like being a robot. 
  • Your goals are also the deciding factor here. It will decide, whether you see yoga training as a difficult thing or something natural.  If you are in love with well being and have dreamt to be a part of this industry for a long time, there are high chances that you will enjoy being there, doing what you set out to do. 

You should stop listening to others, or compare yourself with others. These are two of the most detrimental things. You cannot emulate another yogi, nor the opposite is possible. So, lay your mind to rest and take each day, as it comes. It is not very difficult to gel well with the other yogis in class.

Remember, that you all have a common goal in mind. And, that is to make yoga your lifestyle. The teachers and faculty are also quite supportive, if you are new to the realm. So, you are rest assured that your experience will be one of the best. The yoga ttc in rishikesh can give you what you want to, if you move ahead with a positive frame of mind. 


Pramod Sahoo
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