Steps of Parsvatanasan With 8 Benefits


Parsvatanasan – Intense Side Stretch Pose What is Parsvatanasan? Parsvatanasan is a very powerful pose or asana which can help you in correcting posture and also build confidence. If you regularly practice this asana, it can enhance your awareness. Although it is a powerful pose or asana, the steps are quite easy. This asana which […]

4 Variations of Prasarita Padottanasasna & Benefits

Prasarita Padottanasasna

Prasarita Padottanasasna With Variations What is Prasarita Padottanasasna? Prasarita Padottanasasna is an amazing hip opener asana, which is also an intense leg stretch pose. You can call it a beginner level forward-bending pose, whose main aspects are inversion and forward bend. It is a favorite of the Ashtanga School of Yoga. You can practice the […]

How to Do Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Steps & Benefits(Channels Purification) 


Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Channels Purification)  Also called, Alternate Nostril breathing, this is one of the Pranayamas, you can do as a beginner. It is one of the most widely practiced Pranayamas, till date. Nadi is basically a Sanskrit word, that means ‘channel’ and Shodhana means ‘purification’. Thus, you can come to the point, that Nadi […]

Parivrita Parsvakonasana Steps with 9 benefits

Parivrita Parsvakonasana  What is Parivrita Parsvakonasana (Revolving Side Angle Pose)? You require a lot of flexibility to do this asana. Parivrita Parsvakonasana is all about twists and turns. This asana consists of an intense twist, which challenges the flexibility, strength, and sense of balance. You will notice a variety of advantages if you practice this […]

10 Steps of Uttana Padasana & its benefits

Uttana Padasana – Extended Leg Pose  What is Uttana Padasana? If you are suffering from a bulging stomach, due to excess weight, then Uttana Padasana is just perfect for you. It is basically a combination of Matsyasana and Sirshasana. You can do this posture easily, without too many hassles. More often, this pose or asana […]

8 Benefits of Revolving Triangle Pose

Revolving Triangle Pose What Is Revolving Triangle Pose ? The Revolving Triangle Pose or the Parivrita Trikonasana is one of the primary series asanas from Ashtanga Yoga. Parivrita Trikonasana is a counter pose to Utthita Trikonasana. The Revolving Triangle Pose  mainly stretches the opposite sides of the body, during triangle pose. Revolving Triangle Pose is […]

Tiryak Kati Chakrasana – Swaying Waist Rotating Pose

 Tiryak Kati Chakrasana – Swaying Waist Rotating Pose Tiryaka Kati Chakrasana, also known as the Swaying Waist Rotation position, improves the hips, shoulders, and back muscles while also reducing belly fat. Tiryaka means oblique in Sanskrit, Kati indicates waist, and Chakra means wheel. As the body sways from side to side at the final posture, […]

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) with 5 Benefits

What is Utthita Trikonasana ? Introduction Of Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Trikonasana is one of the more popular triangle poses, that stretches the entire body along with the spinal cord. The pose is exactly, what its name depicts it to be. The body forms various triangles. The legs make a triangle with the floor, there is […]

What is Padangusthasana with 8 benefits (Part-2)?

Introduction of Padangusthasana What is Padangusthasana Pose? Padangusthasana Pose  is one of the basic yoga poses, in the Ashtanga Primary series. You can also do this asana as a beginner. You simply have to stand erect and hold the big toes of the feet, with both hands. It is a forward bend asana, like Paschimottasana. […]

What is Bending Tree Pose? How To Practise Tiryaka Tad Asana?

Bending Tree Pose ( Tiryaka Tad Asana) Tiryaka tad asana is a basic standing posture that is a variation of Tadasana with a side stretch. The name comes from the Sanskrit Tiryaka, meaning “oblique” or “swaying”; tada, meaning “mountain”; and asana, which means “posture” or “pose. Tiryaka Tad Asana is also known as parsva urdhva hastasana (upward salute […]