What is Shitali Pranayama? Steps, Contraindication & 10 Amazing Benefits of Shitali Pranayama
Shitali pranayama is a breathing technique in which the breath is taken in through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. It is also known as the cooling breath as it has a cooling effect on the body. Shitali means ‘cooling’ in Sanskrit, and pranayama means ‘life force control.’ This technique is often practiced during […]
What is Trataka Meditation? Steps, Contraindications, Precautions & 9 Incredible Benefits
Trataka is one of the most popular gazing meditative practices in yoga. By stilling the eyes, you not only gain the power to freeze your thoughts, but much more than that. There is a definite relationship between your eye position and various hemispheres of the brain. So much so, that by changing your eye positions, […]
What is Shitkari Pranayama? Steps, Precautions & 8 Amazing Benefits of Shitkari Pranayama
Often called ‘hissing breath’, it is one of the alternatives to Shitali Pranayama. Some people have also named it the ‘Python’s breath’. Just like Shitali Pranayam, Shitkari Pranayama is also very beneficial in cooling the breath. In Shitkari Pranayama, you have to breathe in through the clenched teeth. Anatomical Implications It is one of the […]
What is Anuloma Viloma Pranayama? Steps, Contraindication, & 6 Amazing Benefits of Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama is a type of Pranayama or you can also call it a controlled breathing technique. You have to close one nostril, while inhaling, and hold the same nostril closed, while exhaling from the other. The process is then repeated on the other side. Many yogis also call it as Alternate Nostril […]
What is Murcha Pranayama? Steps, Amazing Benefits & Precautions
Murcha Pranayama is also known in Yogic circles as Swooning breath. It is a process, where you have to perform a complete and slow inhalation, followed by a full phase of retention. You have to lock your chin, until you feel like fainting. When you close the airways with the chin lock or Jalandhara bandha, […]
Yoga Therapy for Snoring | 4 Amazing Yoga Asanas To stop snoring naturally

The goal of yoga therapy for snoring is to improve breathing patterns and stop the habit of snoring before it starts.Snoring is one of the most common problems, irrespective of, whether you are male or female, young or old. Normal and healthy individuals also snore a lot, if there is any obstacle in the air […]
Yoga Therapy For Influenza | 3 Yoga Poses to Help You Survive the Influenza

Yoga is known to aid us in three ways. Firstly, it can keep us healthy, by preventing diseases. Secondly, it can cure ailments, if you apply the right yogic principles. Thirdly, yoga can also help in recuperation after a surgery. What most people think is that, yoga only revolves around physical fitness. However, it is […]
Yoga Therapy For Liver Disorder | 3 Incredible Yoga Asanas For Liver Disorders

Most of the population today, rely on fast food. It is due to both spouses working for supplemental income, that leads to a higher consumption of readymade foods or processed foods by the parents as well as the children. This has also led to a spurt in childhood obesity. For the unversed, you need to […]
Yoga Therapy For Sinusitis | 5 Amazing Yoga Asanas For Sinusitis Relief

Many of you might be suffering from allergies. They can be acute or chronic. Sometimes, they occur due to changes in the weather, or due to dust particles. The sinus cavities generally get inflamed, and you get inflammation attacks. It is quite common during the rainy season and the winter season. You might experience thick […]
Yoga Therapy For Depression | Incredible Yoga Asanas To Cure Depression

Depression is prevalent in a large chunk of the population today. In today’s fast-paced world, people rarely have time for one another. Every body is busy chasing his or her own goals, which leads to isolation for the people around them. Over 300 million people from varied age groups have fallen prey to depression, today. […]