Yoga Therapy for Flat Feet | 3 Incredible Yoga Asanas To Recover From Flat Feet

Yoga Therapy for Flat Feet If you have Flat feet, don’t fret. There are many ways to correct the issue, and yoga happens to be just one of them. For all those who are not aware, you should take a look at your footprints, when you are back from walking in a muddy area. Under […]
How Practicing Yoga Can Help Relieve Your Arthritis Pain

How Yoga Can Help With Your Arthritis? You may be knowing that many diseases are treatable, with yoga. Arthritis is one of them. The best Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh is one of the places, which trains yogis on various styles of yoga. And, you can get that miracle cure, if you practice diligently. Hari Om […]
What is the importance of yoga to maintain physical and mental health?

Today, most people are turning to yoga for mental happiness and relaxation. It is something, that the world always knew about. However, people have turned more accepting of the same. You may also come face-to-face with people, who do yoga for physical fitness. And, that is what, most studios and schools project it as. If […]
What Is Yoga Teacher Training?

What Is Yoga Teacher Training? It is very simple as it sounds. Yoga teacher training is the training, which is imparted to teachers, who would teach students yoga. Most people think that yoga is a fitness discipline, which it is actually not. It is a holistic science. There is more to yoga, than just asanas. […]
What Should I Do After Finishing Yoga Teacher Training?

What Should I Do After Finishing Yoga Teacher Training? This is one of the questions that most beginner students, ask after having completed their yoga teacher training course. You may be one of those students, who have just completed their 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, and is simply confused on your next course of […]
How Many Basic Yoga Asanas Are There?

If you want to learn and practice yoga, then it makes sense to delve into the background first. Yoga is not just a fitness discipline, but much more than that. yoga asanas are what others relate it with. And, it is also one of the first things that you see. Yoga asanas mainly help in […]
What Are The Benefits Of Attending A Yoga Retreat?

If you are tired of deadlines, family commitments, and other issues in your life, you may be a candidate for a yoga retreat. In today’s era, most people spend very less time on their wellness. To make matters worse, the office schedules demand individuals to remain confined to their desks for 10-12 hours. You can […]
What Do I Need To Start Yoga And What Are The Benefits Of Yoga?

Many people have started understanding the importance of a holistic lifestyle. And, it is even more evident than before, after having suffered the repercussions of the horrific pandemic. Just try to figure out, if this is what you want to do. There may be other ways, to get what you are looking for. You can […]
Why Is Kundalini Yoga Considered To Be Dangerous?

What is Kundalini Yoga? Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It is based on the belief that there is a dormant energy coiled at the base of the spine, known as the Kundalini, which can be awakened through various techniques. When awakened, this energy is said to travel up the […]
What Is The Most Important Thing In Yoga?

The Most Important Thing In Yoga Most of you, who are far away from the discipline, may think that yoga is all about body contortions and twists. That is what half the population thinks. However, you will be bewildered to know, that yoga is much more than that. If you are one of those, who […]