What is Neti Kriya? | Steps, Precautions, Contraindications & 7 Amazing Benefits Of Neti Kriya

Neti Kriya is one of the six Shatkarmas, which you can make a part of your daily routine. It is one of the nasal cleansing techniques, that have been listed in Hatha Yoga texts. Once you are clean from inside, you can take your practice to the next level. You can prepare your body for asana and pranayama. These cleansing techniques also have other beneficial spiritual benefits as well. Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the classical texts on yoga, where you will find a mention of the Shatkarma kriyas. 

Anatomical Implications

Neti Kriya is an excellent way, in which you can remove dirt and impurities from the nostrils and nasal chamber. You can also get rid of excessive fat and phlegm. In case, anyone is suffering from Sinus, the excess kapha which causes it, can also be removed through the practice of Neti Kriya. There are many types of Neti Kriyas, that you can use to eliminate the dirt and phlegm. Jala Neti is one of them, in which you have to take in saline water through the nose, and allow it to pass through the hole in the septum. Infected ‘Slesma’ is removed in this manner.

The ‘Slesma’ slowly drains out from the sinus, due to osmosis. You can also practice the alternative Sutra Neti, in which you can cleanse the hard mucus that that collects in the nasal passages. It mainly forms, to resist against infective air particles. It is considered as preventative and curative Kriya. Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Dugdha Neti, and Ghrita Neti are the nasal cleansing kriyas, which you can try out today. 

Through Neti Kriya, you can bring about a balance in the right and left nostrils. The action also impacts the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The result is pleasant feeling which surrounds the entire nervous system. Moreover, the kriyas results in the proper working of the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. The practice of Neti Kriya is also said to open up the Third Eye. So, many have reported clairvoyance after regular practice. 

How To Do Neti Kriya?

Jal Neti

  • It is a process which is also termed as nasal irrigation. You need lukewarm salt water, a Neti pot, and a towel for cleansing, for the same. 
  • You have to sit on the ground, and bend a bit forward. 
  • Then, you have to tilt your head to one side. 
  • Place the spout inside one nostril, and allow the water to exit through the other. 
  • Remember to keep your mouth open, if you have difficulty in breathing. You can repeat the same process on the other side. 

Neti Kriya

Sutra Neti 

  • You have to use a thread in this Neti Kriya. In modern times you can also replace the thread, with a sterilized rubber pipe. You need to lubricate any thing that you will be using in this kriya. Hold one end with your hands, and insert the other end through the nose, and thrust it until it comes out of the throat. With your fingers, pull it out through the mouth, while still holding the other end with the hand. Pull the thread or rubber pipe in and out while cleansing the nasal passage. You should repeat the same on the other side as well. Always perform this Kriya under the watchful eyes of a trainer. 

Dugdha Neti 

  • Milk is used as an alternative option to saline water. Moreover, milk is considered to be extremely hydrating. 

Ghrita Neti 

  • You have to follow the same process, as you would for Jal Neti. The use of medicated ghee is also suggested in the process. You can do the kriya in the morning, on an empty stomach to get the best benefits. It is helpful in treating the disorders of the upper respiratory tract and also relaxes the nervous system. 


The four main types of Neti Kriya are:

  • Jal Neti – It is a technique, in which you have to clean the nasal passage with lukewarm saline water. 
  • Sutra Neti – You are supposed to insert properly sanitized thread that is coated in therapeutic beeswax, inside the nasal passage for a thorough cleaning. 
  • Dugdha Neti – It is quite similar to Jal Neti, the only difference being the use of warm milk, instead of warm, saline water. 
  • Ghrita Neti – You have to follow the same process as in Jal Net, but you will use Ghrita instead. 

Precautions and Contraindications

  • You should always try Neti Kriya under the trained yoga experts. 
  • Use only warm water, for maximum efficacy. 
  • The salt and water proportion should be proper. Too much salt can otherwise irritate the nostrils. 
  • After you have performed the kriya, you must not expose yourself to cold weather. 

If you suffer from nose bleed, you should not practice this kriya at all. 

If you have middle ear infection, then also you should not practice this kriya. 

If you have recently undergone ENT surgery, then also you must not practice this kriya. 

Benefits Of Neti Kriya

  • It helps in cleaning the nasal passages. The lot of dirt, air particles, mucus, and pollens collect in the nasal passage due to external pollution. It may also lead to dryness within. Jal Neti helps to alleviate such issues. 
  • It also helps in the proper flow of ‘Prana’ with your breath. This in turn will also increase the efficacy of your yoga practices. 
  • It also leads to better ENT functioning. 
  • You can also manage many disorders like headaches and migraine. 
  • The kriya also bestows the practitioner with many psychological benefits. It calms the mind and makes you stress-free. 
  • You can manage the health of the upper respiratory tract, well. Moreover, you also get respite from seasonal allergies and sinus issues. 
  • The kriya also helps in balancing the hemispheres of the brain, and thus affects your spirituality in a positive manner. You will likely experience a higher state of awareness, when you practice this kriya on a daily basis. 


If you practice this kriya on a regular basis, you will get rid of many diseases connected to the brain, respiratory tract, and lungs. It ensures the proper flow of breath through the same areas, which is necessary for higher body functions. 


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Yes, absolutely. You do not need to be a 500 hour yoga TTC trained expert to become a best yoga teacher in Rishikesh. Moreover, you do not need to do headstands and Hanuman Asana, to be considered competent. You will be amazed to know that many people go for yoga teacher training at first, to deepen their knowledge. Amongst the beginner level learners, many get ample time to practice and perfect their yoga poses. The 200 hour yoga TTC is the perfect stepping stone for you to embrace the idea of teaching. You can always take up a job as assistant yoga teacher, after completing the training.

You can become a yoga teacher in Rishikesh very easily, if you learn from one of the renowned yoga schools there. The best schools are certified by Yoga Alliance. It is one of the best qualifications that you can flaunt. After having completed the yoga course, you will be in a position to teach as an intern or assistant, at the very same school where you did yoga TTC. Apart from that, once you get sufficient experience as an assistant, you can look for independent teaching jobs. Yoga is a culture in Rishikesh. Wherever you look, you will find some teaching opportunity or the other.

This is one of the most common questions that students ask. However, it is not a mandate to be exact. It is a voluntary decision for any yoga school, to register or not. Yoga Alliance is basically a private and non-profit organization, created sometime in 1999-2000. It mainly acts as a standard for yoga education. The organization has a set criterion that schools registered under it, need to follow. After completing a Yoga Alliance course, you can apply for the Registered Yoga Teacher training certification. Moreover, it offers a global platform to the students that helps in attending courses and workshops, almost free of cost.

To be exact, Yoga Alliance does not certify. It gives an accreditation. A school which has received the accreditation can be called a Registered Yoga School. A Yoga Alliance certification lays down a few guidelines that the registered school needs to follow. Amongst the guidelines, the first thing which acts as a prerequisite is the pre-defined syllabus. Additionally, trained and registered yoga teachers will teach the students. The main focus is on the depth of training. The accreditation mainly lays down the rules that one must follow. So, it essentially maintains unity.

Hatha Yoga is very easy, to be exact. Any beginner level student can learn Hatha Yoga. It is a static yoga style. So, if you are looking for more flexibility, balance, and stability, then you have to go for Hatha Yoga. Most classes last from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. So, the classes can be a bit mentally and physically exhausting. You will be amazed to know that Hatha Yoga is the most commonly practiced yoga style across the western world. Being a slower form of yoga, you get more time to focus on your breathing patterns and focus. So, it mainly prepares you for higher forms.