What Is Pranayama? Is It Included in The Yoga Teacher Training Course? If not, why?

Pranayama is an age-old breathing technique, that is as old as yoga itself. It mainly involves controlling the breath and manipulating it for better benefits. In the past, many sages and seers practiced Pranayama as a way to generate and regulate prana throughout out the body. That is the reason probably, why they could stay […]
Moral Story of Tapas (Discipline)

Many of you may have heard the word, ‘Tapas’. It is an ancient yoga tool to be precise. All those who give themselves to this form of self-discipline are bound to get their goals. You can also tap into your inner vitality, to achieve your true potential. By developing perseverance and inner strength, you can […]
What is Svadhyaya? Moral Story of Svadhyaya – Self Study

You must have come across the term ‘Svadhyaya’. It is the fourth sutra, in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It means nothing but self-study. When you get to know yourself deeply, you are can change the bad, and work more on the good. Ignorance is one of the biggest obstacles in one’s growth path. So, everyone, irrespective […]
What is Asteya? Moral Story On Asteya – Non Stealing

The principles that you learn in Patanjali’s Sutras, are universal in nature. Asteya is found in the first limb of Patanjali’s Eight-limbed path, under Yamas. You can call Yamas ‘the rules of life.’ After you have studied Ahimsa and Satya, it is but apt, that any student studies Asteya. Whenever you hear the name ‘Asteya’, […]
Moral Story On Santosha ( Contentment )

There was a king called Vedanta, living in Varanasi, a few centuries ago. He had three sons, Virananda, Nrityananda, and Ananda. He was ruling his kingdom for a long time, until the day, he died. Taking this opportunity, his minister Gopichand took the reign of the kingdom in his hands. The three princes were very […]
Moral Story On Saucha (Cleanliness)

Moral Story On Saucha (Cleanliness) It is believed that one who keeps himself clean never lacks wealth. This has connotations in Hindu mythology, as Goddess Lakshmi is said to reside in places that are clean. Moreover, she is herself very well-groomed. And, she expects others looking to invite her, to maintain the same. However, we […]
Aparigraha – Letting Go…In The Context Of Yoga

Aparigraha – Letting Go…In The Context Of Yoga How many times did you hoard things, thinking that you might need them in the near future? Many animals have the same tendency, like mice. However, humans are considered beings of the higher order. So, this is something, you can resist. Aparigraha happens to be the fifth […]
How To Become The Best Yoga Teacher?

How to become the best yoga teacher – he world probably knows what yoga is. It is quite popular as a spiritual discipline. However, most people see it as a physical discipline, rather than a mental one. If you are also one of them, it is not your fault. Most magazines and journals list out […]
Satya (Truthfulness) A Moral Story Of A Thief

Truthfulness…. We all have listened to our mothers and grandmothers reading out Panchatantra tales, in our nascent years. The books contained pictures with explanations, about the values and practices suitable for everyone in general. A few days back, we stumbled upon an old story, in which a thief wanted to remain truthful. This nature of […]
Short Story – Ahimsa Or Non-Violence And Consciousness

Raju was sitting at his desk, going through his geography notes. It was summer vacation, and he was due for examinations, as the school reopens. He was leading a fast life in Bhubaneshwar. Having spent all his school days from nursery to seven in a remote town of Odisha, it was a new experience. At […]