Yoga Therapy For Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disorder

Yoga can offer therapy, both preventative and curative. At times, it can also support other treatments. The same applies for Alcoholic Fatty Liver disorder. Without exaggerating much, you should know what asanas, kriyas, and other techniques we can use, to manage the disease well. You will find many patients heading to the Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, for the treatment of the same. Additionally, such places can help with detoxification as well.

What Is Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

It is a disease which mainly affects those, who drink too much alcohol. Your liver mainly tries to break down all the alcohol in the blood, so that it can be excreted from the body. However, in doing so, many poisonous substances are formed in the body. These substances can harm the liver cells, increase inflammation, and also weaken your immunity.

When the liver stores more than 5 percent fat, it can be detrimental for you. The more alcohol you drink, the worst it is for you. Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease is the earliest stage of the disease. The next stages are Hepatitis and Cirrhosis. Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease affects only those, who are heavy drinkers. You may show signs of discomfort in the upper, right-hand side of the abdomen. In such cases, you must head to a doctor for diagnosis.

No matter, if you contract the above or its other type, called the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease, you will show a few common signs. The liver will be enlarged, and the skin and the white parts of your eyes will slowly turn yellow.

No matter, if you have either of the above, there is a way out. It is possible to reverse some of the symptoms, if you adopt a healthy lifestyle. If you start exercising regularly, you will get some relief from the signs and symptoms. Additionally, you should also have more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, to reverse few of the damages that have already occurred. You can also include herbal teas and juices in your diet. Triphala is especially very useful in such conditions.

Yoga Asana For Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

At first Yoga helps you, by managing the fat content in your diet. Then, it stimulate the liver to function properly. You can practice the poses under a teacher from the best yoga school in Rishikesh.

⦁ The first pose that we will talk about is the Cat-Cow pose. It is a pose that has been created for good liver health. It squeezes the region of the abdomen, which consists of the liver. At first, you have to be in the table-top pose. The wrists will be directly below the shoulders and the knees should be below the hips. You have to keep your knees hip-width apart.

Roll the shoulders toward the back and lower the belly. Look upward. You can hold this pose for a few seconds or minutes. It depends on your fitness levels. Then, you have to suck your abdomen inwards, with a quick exhalation, and allow the belly button to move toward the spine. Repeat the pose for at least 5-7 times.

⦁ The next pose, which you need to practice on a regular basis is Bhujangasana or Cobra pose. This pose is extremely beneficial for you, and can affect the central nervous system positively, along with the heart and abdominal organs. Your metabolic functions will also improve as a result. In this asana, you have to lie down on your stomach, and keep both the legs stretched towards the back. The hands will be by your chest.

Press against the floor with the hands and lift the torso up. You have to arch your back to the point, when you are able to look straight in front. The chest should also face the front side. The hands will be folded a bit, at the elbows. You can hold the position for a few seconds to minutes.

These are just two of the yoga poses, which you can practice for better liver health. These poses help in improving the blood circulation, so that you can excrete the toxins from the body fast. Pranayama can also help in managing the disease and counter its malefic effects.

Pranayama For Liver Health

There are various breathing techniques included in the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. They can cure as well as manage various illness. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of them. Regular practice of this Pranayama can aid in better digestion and metabolism. In this practice, the abdominal muscles engage in fast movement, and that aids in the massage of the liver.

You have to sit in Sukhasana pose, and close your eyes. Take a long and deep breath, and while doing so, expand the chest area and abdomen. You have to exhale and inhale fast, and also make a hissing sound through the nose. At the end of the 10th breath, inhale deeply and exhale slowly.

Now, breathe normally for a few seconds and then practice the next round. You can do this practice, along with Kapal Bhati, which is another Pranayama. This requires you to inhale normally and exhale with force, in short jerks.

If you want to restore your liver health, stop drinking alcohol in the first place. As it creates nothing but an illusion. You can do better with your life, with yoga. Head to Hari Om Yoga Vidya School to learn the above asanas and breathing techniques.

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Yes, absolutely. You do not need to be a 500 hour yoga TTC trained expert to become a best yoga teacher in Rishikesh. Moreover, you do not need to do headstands and Hanuman Asana, to be considered competent. You will be amazed to know that many people go for yoga teacher training at first, to deepen their knowledge. Amongst the beginner level learners, many get ample time to practice and perfect their yoga poses. The 200 hour yoga TTC is the perfect stepping stone for you to embrace the idea of teaching. You can always take up a job as assistant yoga teacher, after completing the training.

You can become a yoga teacher in Rishikesh very easily, if you learn from one of the renowned yoga schools there. The best schools are certified by Yoga Alliance. It is one of the best qualifications that you can flaunt. After having completed the yoga course, you will be in a position to teach as an intern or assistant, at the very same school where you did yoga TTC. Apart from that, once you get sufficient experience as an assistant, you can look for independent teaching jobs. Yoga is a culture in Rishikesh. Wherever you look, you will find some teaching opportunity or the other.

This is one of the most common questions that students ask. However, it is not a mandate to be exact. It is a voluntary decision for any yoga school, to register or not. Yoga Alliance is basically a private and non-profit organization, created sometime in 1999-2000. It mainly acts as a standard for yoga education. The organization has a set criterion that schools registered under it, need to follow. After completing a Yoga Alliance course, you can apply for the Registered Yoga Teacher training certification. Moreover, it offers a global platform to the students that helps in attending courses and workshops, almost free of cost.

To be exact, Yoga Alliance does not certify. It gives an accreditation. A school which has received the accreditation can be called a Registered Yoga School. A Yoga Alliance certification lays down a few guidelines that the registered school needs to follow. Amongst the guidelines, the first thing which acts as a prerequisite is the pre-defined syllabus. Additionally, trained and registered yoga teachers will teach the students. The main focus is on the depth of training. The accreditation mainly lays down the rules that one must follow. So, it essentially maintains unity.

Hatha Yoga is very easy, to be exact. Any beginner level student can learn Hatha Yoga. It is a static yoga style. So, if you are looking for more flexibility, balance, and stability, then you have to go for Hatha Yoga. Most classes last from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. So, the classes can be a bit mentally and physically exhausting. You will be amazed to know that Hatha Yoga is the most commonly practiced yoga style across the western world. Being a slower form of yoga, you get more time to focus on your breathing patterns and focus. So, it mainly prepares you for higher forms.