What Are Best Yoga Asanas For Staying Active All Day Long?

If you have a desk job, then it might get overwhelming at times. Sitting at the workstation has several disadvantages for the body. Most people who work this way, experience pain in the lower back, knees, and neck area. You may also develop headaches as a result of constant staring at the computer screen. It […]

Yoga Therapy For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Disease

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

According to research and available facts, almost 6-12 percent women are affected by PCOS. It mainly affects women of the child bearing age. It is basically an endocrine gland disorder, that makes the female organs secrete larger quantities of male hormones. Thus, it leads to irregular periods, weight gain, and fertility issues. However, Yoga can […]

Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with 3 Amazing Yoga Asanas

Yoga therapy for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseYoga is one of the healing modalities, or ancient therapies, which can change your life. And, we say this, not just due to its physical benefits, but mental as well. Moreover, constant research has shown that yoga can affect the health management function quite well. If you are fit and […]

Yoga Therapy For Heart Diseases with 3 Incredible Yoga Poses

Yoga Therapy For Heart DiseasesIn recent times, you must have noticed, that heart ailments are on the rise. Atleast half the population suffer from heart ailments. According to various researches, heart diseases are spreading faster than you ever thought they will. The society today, seems to be obsessed with fitness, but still every day, there […]

Yoga Therapy for Kidney Disorders

Yoga Therapy for Kidney Disorders Today most people are living the fast life. You may be one of the people, who we are talking about today. Like you, most other millennials, are rushing from home to work in the morning and returning by late evening. Moreover, there is a lot of family responsibilities, that one […]

Yoga Therapy for Bronchitis

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Yoga Therapy for Bronchitis Nowadays, many people suffer from Bronchitis, due to the excess pollution and environmental dust. Rather than being Acute, it has turned out to be a Chronic disease. You should be well-informed about this disease, as it can affect you or a close one, in the near future. There are many different […]

Yoga Therapy for Fatigue | 4 Incredible Yoga Poses To Reduce Fatigue

Yoga Therapy for Fatigue

There are many people, who will always report feeling fatigued. You may be one such person. Lethargy may cause numerous problems for you, on an ongoing basis. Not getting enough rest or sleep, may be one of the reasons, why you may feel the same. Moreover, nutrient deficiencies cannot be ruled out. There may be […]