Yoga Therapy for Bronchitis
Nowadays, many people suffer from Bronchitis, due to the excess pollution and environmental dust. Rather than being Acute, it has turned out to be a Chronic disease. You should be well-informed about this disease, as it can affect you or a close one, in the near future. There are many different diseases, that affect the lungs and respiratory tract, but this is quite common today. You can now address all kinds of respiratory tract issues with yoga. Head to a yoga retreat in Rishikesh today, and get the best knowledge about preventative yoga.
Know About Bronchitis In DetailBefore you start searching for the cure, it will be better to find out why Bronchitis occurs in the first place. It is basically an inflammatory condition, that affects the inner linings of the bronchial tubes. Thus, you will often find the trachea and the tubes filled with mucus, which is auto-generated.Sometimes, you may develop Bronchitis, due to an illness like cold, or respiratory infection as well. Smoking is also one of the causes behind the ailment. Chronic Bronchitis which regularly re-occurs, or rather relapses, is also included under COPD. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Some of the symptoms that you will be able to identify the disease with are-
⦁ Cough
⦁ Excess Sputum
⦁ Tiredness
⦁ Fever
⦁ Shortness of Breath
⦁ Chest discomfortNow, you are in for some good news. Bronchitis is treatable. You can start with yoga, which acts as a preventative and curative holistic practice. The best yoga school in Rishikesh, Hari Om Yoga Vidya School will help you to unearth several possibilities.
Yoga for Bronchitis
Yoga is a great tool for treating respiratory disorders. There are several types of asanas, which you can do to get rid of Asthma-like conditions. Such asanas and related practices, will help you to increase the efficiency of the lungs, and also make the flow of air smooth.
⦁ Bhujangasana is the first asana, that you can start with, to treat Bronchitis. It mainly emulates the position of the cobra. You are supposed to do this asana, by lying down on the floor, on your belly. Then, its time for stretching. It will instantly relieve all the stress from your body. You have to lift the torso up and look towards the ceiling, in this pose. The legs will be joined together and outstretched towards the back.The elbows are bent, and you support the torso, with the hands. Palms face in front. You will likely be able to utilize this asana as a lung opener and a shoulder opener. The air holding capacity of the lungs also increase manifold, when you do this asana.
⦁ Ustrasana is another asana, which you will likely learn, if you happen to visit a
Yoga School in Rishikesh. It is a back bending pose, in which the front part of the torso, looks like the hump of a camel. The pose is great as a chest opener and lung opener as well. The cavity inside the chest accommodating the lungs expand. So, you can breathe in and breathe out well.
⦁ Paschimottasana is also another asana, which can help you to cure Bronchitis, if practiced regularly. It is also called the Westside stretch. You should warm up properly before attempting to do this pose. It loosens up the hip flexors, and the lower spine muscles as well. You can simply do the asana, while sitting on the floor. In this asana, you are supposed to touch the toes of your feet, or hold the entire sole, after bending forward from the waist. You will be able to breathe better, if you do this asana daily.
Jalaneti KriyaYou can now learn about this Shatkarma Kriya, under the aegis of a Guru at the best school of Yoga in
Rishikesh. This is one of the master practices, that yogis do on a daily basis. The breath is the single-most important factor in life, which can be used with yoga practices, to lead a healthy and disease-free life. The practice is dedicatedly for nasal hygiene. It is one of the six purification processes, that are mentioned in the Hatha Yoga.You need a few equipments to do this asana. A Jalaneti pot, some salt, and lukewarm water are all you need to do this kriya. The pot usually has a long snout, through which you can pour water. Furthermore, it has an outlet, that is small enough to be inserted inside the nostrils.In this activity, you have to insert the snout of the pot, through one nostril, and let the water flow through the other nostril, through the hole in the septum. Additionally, you can repeat the kriya with the other side. There are tremendous benefits associated with this practice.Your nasal hygiene will be maintained, and you will also be soothing the tissues and nerves inside the nose. It is also quite beneficial for Asthma and Bronchitis. Your tonsils and dry cough, will also be treated alongside.