Virbhadrasana With Variations A, B, C
What is Virbhadrasana?
Virbhadrasana is a series of warrior poses, that emulates the gallantry of warriors. It is a posture, in which you have to practice certain sub-postures like lunging and standing asanas that provide the legs, spine and the torso, with a huge amount of strength. The warrior posture is useful for the development of the body’s alignment, along with proper breathing. You will also develop flexibility in your shoulders and the back.

Just like the other asanas, the name of this asana has been derived from Sanskrit.
- Vira means ‘hero’
- Bhadra means ‘blessed’
- Asana means ‘pose’
In Ashtanga Yoga, there are three main variations, A, B and C of Virbhadrasana. You will find Virbhadrasana to be a very challenging posture for many. The two legs perform two different functions, i.e., one is bending and one is straight. In Virbhadrasana, the body is performing two different actions at any given time. The pelvis and hips steer forward as a part of the asana, while the upper part of the body is meant to rise upwards. And, thus, very few people can access the deepest modalities of this posture. Virbhadrasana mainly teaches one to rise above one’s ego fight all kinds of adversities with courage.
How To Do The Standard Virbhadrasana A?
- As a part of Ashtanga Yoga, you should start the asana from the Adho Mukha Svanasana.
- Inhale and take the right foot between the hands, in a 90-degree angle. The hands and the elbows go up and should coincide with one another.
- When you bend your knees at an 90-degree angle, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. The right hip should be pinned toward the back.
- The left leg has to move to the left, with the foot at an angle of 45-degree with the mat. The left knee should be straight.
- You have to stay in the posture for 5 long breaths.
- Then, inhale, and straighten the back leg, and twist to the left, bend the left knee at 90-degree angle. Look up towards the thumbs.
- Hold the position for 5 long breaths.
- After you are done on either side, you can drop your hands, and go back to the Adho Mukha Svanasana.
- There is nothing much to modify in Virbhadrasana. You can basically perform the asana with your hands in various positions. You can keep your hands on your hips, like in Akimbo position.
- Additionally, you can also grasp the hands behind the back.
- You can try to hold onto a chair, for better balance. Stand, while facing the backside of a chair. And, then hold the ledge of the chair, while bending one of the legs, and keep the other one stretched.
- You can also try the Warrior pose, by sitting on a chair. The active thigh, which will be bent at an angle of 90 degree, must be seated on the chair. And the other leg, should be stretched backward, straight.
You have to breathe normally and hold the pose for 5 breaths in the final stretched pose. Your gaze should be upwards or Urdhwa Drishti. You can also look at the hands, called as Hastagrahe Drishti.
Safety Precautions Decoded
- When you are doing this asana, you have to ensure that the bent leg is bent at an angle of 90-degrees. If you feel too much tension or pain, you can bend the leg at a lesser angle.
- Keep the hips square. Your pelvis should be upright.
- The arms should remain up all the time.
- In this pose, if you have balance problems, then you have to widen your stance.
- If anyone has shoulder issues, then it is advisable for them to keep their hands parallel raised above the body.
Who Can Do This Asana and Who Cannot?
If you are of normal body constitution, you can do Virbhadrasana with ease. In other cases, keep note of these symptoms, which are contraindications.
- If you suffer from high blood pressure, then you should avoid this asana.
- All those who have neck problems, must not look upwards, while doing the asana.
- If you have heart problems, you should avoid this posture.
- All those who suffer from knee pain or injury, must avoid the pose.
- In case, you have any stomach issues, you should refrain from practicing this asana.
- All those who have legs, hips, shoulders, and neck injuries must not do this asana.
Benefits of Virbhadrasana A, B, C
- There are some tremendous benefits associated with Virbhadrasana.
- Regular practice of the asana, strengthens the ankles and legs. So, you will be very strong after a while, just like Lord Shiva’s Virbhadra avatar.
- You will also find your shoulders and muscles getting stronger by the day.
- If you practice this asana on a regular basis, you will soon get toned abs.
- The regular practice of this asana also improves balance and posture.
- You will also get relief from backaches, especially when you are in the second trimester of pregnancy.
- If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, reproductive issues, osteoporosis, and sciatica, then you will gain relief from the same after you start practice this asana, regularly.
Thus, you can see that, this asana can provide you with lots of benefits. Keep practicing this asana on a regular basis, to get the best advantage.
Variation B – Steps To Do
In this pose, the front knee of the active leg has to be bent at an angle, so that it creates a stretch in the hip region. Your arms are parallel to the ground, and your gaze is on the hand that is stretched out in front of you. It is the second of the three postures that is dedicated to Lord Shiva’s avatar, called Virabhadra.
- You have to stand with your feet apart. Check whether you have adequate balance and stability. If you are unable to build both, then you should widen your stance.
- Turn the right foot to face the right side of the body, while jutting out the knees in that direction. The knees should be placed at an angle of 90-degree from the floor.
- You have to turn the left foot at an angle of 45-degrees to the mat.
- The right knees have to be stacked over the right ankle.
- In Virbhadrasana, your hands will be outstretched towards both sides, and you have to gaze at them.
- You have to distribute your body weight equally on both feet. You have to press down both feet into the ground. The hands have to be parallel to the ground.
- Hold the position for 5 breaths.
- You can release your body from the pose, while lowering the arms and standing in upright position.
Variation C – Steps To Do
Virbhadrasana pose is a bit different from the standard Virbhadrasana. The pose is mainly centred around balance. The posture is bound to increase the strength of your legs, core and the ankles.
In this asana or posture, you have to stand grounded on one leg. In the meanwhile, you have to lift the other the other leg and pull it up, towards the back. The leg should be parallel to the ground.
- You can do this asana quite easily. Start with Virabhadra asana I, with the right foot forward.
- You have to press down on the ground, with your right foot, and lift the abdomen and belly muscles upward.
- In the meanwhile, you have to energize your arms and stretch them in an embrace, towards the front.
- While doing so, you have to slowly raise the left leg.
- Inhale to elongate the spine.
- Exhale and finally tilt the torso from the hip joints forward. Reach your arms ahead of you.
- You have to shift your entire body weight to your right leg.
- The right outer hip has to be engaged to give more power to the standing leg.
- You have to direct the position of the tailbone, to face the left heel, so that you get adequate support for your lower back.
- Hold the posture for 5 breaths.
- After you are done, you can come back to the original position, Virabhadra A.
- Release the posture, and repeat the same on the other side of the body.