Top 10 Stretches for Shoulder Tightness with Yogic Poses

Stretches for Shoulder Tightness

If you are suffering from stiff and shoulder tightness, it must be bothering you a lot. Moreover, your range of motion may also be limited. If you do not pay attention to rectify the issue, it may lead to neck and back pain, as well. It can also lead to headaches. A bad Shoulder Tightness condition makes arm movement extremely difficult. 

Moreover, if you are an athlete, you may have to pull out of matches, due to the persistent problem. Before, you read about the top ten Shoulder Tightness stretches or poses for Shoulder Tightness, you must read about the anatomy of the shoulder, scope of movement, and the reasons behind the pain.


Anatomy of the Shoulder Tightness

 The shoulder is a very complex joint and also one of the largest ones in the human body. It IS the places, where the ball of the humerus fits the shoulder cavity. It is similar to a ball and socket joint. You will find many other associated parts, that make up the entire structure. Here are a few parts that form the shoulder joint.

  • It consists of the acromion, which is a bony projection that juts out of the scapula. 
  • Then, you will come across the clavicle, or the collar bone, which meets the clavicle and forms the acromioclavicular joint. 
  • There is a coracoid process, that looks like a bony projection from the scapula. 


Now, if you thought, that is all, you are completely wrong. The shoulder has many other important structures. 

  • The rotator cuff is one of them. It is basically a collection of muscles and tendons, that surround the shoulder. It also provides it with support and also allows you to move it easily. 
  • There is a small sac that is filled with fluids, and it acts as a cushion between the tendons in the rotator cuff muscles. 
  • The labrum is another piece of cartilage inside the shoulder cavity, where the humerus fits in. 


Ligaments also play a huge role in making the shoulder joint stable. Some of the ligaments are mentioned herein. 

  • Glenohumeral ligament – This ligament forms the joint capsule. They are the ones, which provide the shoulder joint with stability. It mainly supports the anterior part of the joint. 
  • Coracohumeral ligament – It mainly supports the superior part of the shoulder joint. 
  • Transverse Humeral ligament – It attaches the two tubercles of the humerus. It also supports the tendons of the biceps. 
  • Cora-clavicular ligament – The trapezoid and conoid ligaments make up this ligament structure. 
  • Coracoacromial Ligament – It is located between the acromion and coracoid process of the scapula. Its main task is to prevent displacement of the humeral head. 

Scope of Movement 

The shoulder is an amazing joint, that will never fail to surprise you. Moreover, it also provides the body with mobility and stability. 

It is mainly a ball and socket joint, that provides the body, with its ability to move the arms. If we try to summarize it for you, we would describe it as a shallow glenoid cavity with the humerus fitting into it. You can easily compare it with a golf ball and the tee of the golf pin. The joint capsule is primarily responsible for laxity.

Now, we move on to the stability section. The rotator cuff muscles, glenoid labrum, ligaments, and bicep tendons, contribute to the stability of the joint. 


Reasons Behind Shoulder Tightness

Frozen Shoulder – It is a very common problem, that affects a large chunk of the population. Most people stop moving their arms, to stop the pain. However, this tends to increase the stiffness around the shoulders. 

SLAP Tear – It is an injury or tear that affects the cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socket. It reduces the range of motion and also causes deep shoulder pain. You may have a problem, raising your hands up, or may also face issues in throwing a ball. If you are into weight lifting, you will notice a decline in your performance. 

Arthritis – It is a type of inflammation that affects seniors mostly. The main symptoms are pain and stiffness, in the joints. There is a nagging pain in the joints along with stiffness and swelling. Arthritis is again of two types, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The former mainly occur with age. However, the latter may be a result of immune system attacks, where the body’s white blood cells attack the immune system, and inflames the surrounding tissues leading to pain and discomfort. 

Gout – it is a condition that is often caused, due to a buildup of uric acid crystals. This usually affects the feet. However, it can attack other joints as well. If you are dehydrated, it can also cause an excess buildup of uric acid. Thus, joint pain can be due to disorders of the kidney and thyroid issues as well. 

Lupus – It is another chronic autoimmune condition, which causes inflammation throughout the body. However, it tends to be localized most of the time. Some of the most common symptoms of Lupus are body pain, stiffness in joints, and fatigue. 

Rotator Cuff Tears – It is another form of ailment that affects the rotator cuffs in the upper arms. If you try to stretch your hands, to pick up something from a shelf on the wall, you will feel the pain. After some time, the area aches when you are sleeping or resting. 

Shoulder Bursitis – It is the inflammation of the bursa, that is been referred to here. A pain occurs when you lift your arm, to perform overhead activities is one of the symptoms. Moreover, you may also have limited range of motion. 

The symptoms often overlap, so it is a bit difficult to diagnose the real problem. You can consult an orthopedic specialist or physiotherapist, to get to the real cause. Shoulder injuries are very common, due to regular activities. A pulled muscle can also cause shoulder pain. Your doctor might suggest anti-inflammatory medicines to ease of the pain.

Moreover, your doctor might suggest hot pads or compress. Ice packs may also provide some relief. Salt therapies and bathing are also helpful. 

But, the most effective treatment is stretching. You should stretch the shoulder muscles beyond your comfort zone. Flexibility is very important, to prevent further stress. 



Top 10 Stretches for Shoulder Tightness

Now, that you know how the shoulder joint is structured and its scope of function, it is time to unearth the top ten stretches that can aid in its proper movement. Moreover, you will be able to free yourself from the Shoulder Tightness. Stiff or tight shoulders can be a real nuisance, but with these effective stretches, things will start looking bright for you. Now, you can also get rid of neck pain and headaches, that arise from stiff shoulders. 

  • Neck Stretches – You can release the tension from the top of your shoulders, with the help of effective neck stretches. In order to do a neck stretch, you need to stand with your legs, hip-width apart. You can hand the arms loosely on the sides. Now, look towards your front. Now, you need to tilt the head towards the right side, so that your right ears touch the right shoulder. The moment you do it, you can feel the stretch on your left shoulder and neck. Now, do the same thing to the opposite side. Feel the stretch in the right shoulder and the right side of the neck. You should hold the position for at least 10 seconds on either side. Repeat two to three times. 

Stretches for Shoulder Tightness


  • Pendulum Stretch – You can do this exercise or stretch very easily, as the gravitational force will aid you in the practice. To do this, you need to stand straight again, with legs hip-width apart. In the very next instance, you need to lean towards the front, and look at the ground. You should hold some table or chair, for support, while doing this stretch. You should hold the support, with your left hand, and allow the right hand to swing freely. Do this for 1 minute, on each side. You can allow the hands in each turn, to swing both forward and backward. Do not try to control the movement. You will slowly notice, your hands getting free at the scapula or ball and socket joint. 


  • Shoulder Rolls – This is something, that you have been doing for ages. Do you remember, how we all used to attend the physical training classes at school, and performed these stretches. Now, as an adult, you can do the same pretty easily. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. And allow the arms to hang by your side. Breathe in deeply, and raise the shoulders to touch your ears. Now, you must move the shoulders backwards, while squeezing the shoulder blades. Exhale and drop them back to their previous position. You should move the elbows in and out, with the same motion. Repeat this 10 times, at least. 


  • Cross-body Shoulder Stretch – Now, if you happened to visit the park, early in the morning, you must have seen numerous people doing this. This stretch will help you to extend the back of the shoulders. Again, for this stretch, you need to stand with your feet at least 1 foot to 1.5 feet apart. Stretch the right arm, outward. Then you need to move it straight towards the other side of the chest. It should be parallel to the ground below. Now, you have to bend the left arm at the elbow. Hook the left forearm, underneath the right arm, while supporting the latter under your elbow. Now, give yourself a good stretch towards the back, with the left forearm. Hold on each side for 10-120 seconds. 


  • Thorax Rotation Sidewise – Now, you may feel initially, that it is a complicated thing that we are talking about. However, it is not so. You can improve your mobility with the help of this stretch. The thorax spine, lumbar spine, and the shoulders will get aid from this pose. You should lie down on the mat, on your right side. Bend your knees a little bit. Stretch the right arm, towards your front. Now, put the left hand on top of the right. You need to fix your gaze in front of you. Now, straighten up the left hand and move it while drawing an invisible arch in the air, putting it back on the floor. Keep the knees and thighs pointed towards the right side. Now, bring the left hand again on the right hand. Repeat this several times. You can do the same on the other side as well. 


  • Cross-body Arm Swings – Arm swings aid the shoulder joint to get heated up. So, you will notice your shoulder tightness reducing with time. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Now, squeeze your shoulder blades, inhale, and lift your arms out to the side of the body. Now, exhale, and bring the arms inwards towards one another. Now, cross the right arm from underneath the left, while keeping both straight. In the very next step, allow the hands to swing back to their original position, while inhaling. Again, exhale and take the arms towards one another. Now, you can exchange the position of the left and right hand, alternate to what you did previously. Repeat this 5-10 times. You will notice the shoulder muscles freeing up. 


  • Wall Slides – These are another set of stretches for tightness in the shoulders. You need to stand facing a wall, with both feet atleast a foot’s distance from the wall. Place both the hands on the wall. You need to slide your hands upwards. As soon as you do this, you will notice a stretch in your shoulder blades and arm pits. Hold the position for 5 seconds each time, and then repeat 10 times at least. Go back to the original position, and then again slide your hands out while maintaining contact with the wall, into a Y-shape outwards. This time, you will feel a stretch in your chest. Hold for at least 5-10 seconds, and then repeat. Again, go back to the original position, and this time slide your arms on the wall, sidewards. While doing the wall slides, ensure to keep your neck as relaxed as possible. 


  • Doorway Pectoralis Stretch – This is another one o those shoulder stretches that can aid in relieving the tightness from your shoulders. You have to find an open doorway for this. Place your hands and forearms on the door frames on either side. They should be at shoulder level. You have to lean a bit forward, until you notice a stretch in your chest muscles and the front part of the shoulder. Hold the position for 20 seconds each time, you do this. 


  • Child’s Pose – You might hear the name, Balasana associated with this stretch. But they are really effective. You have to get down on all fours. Stretch your arms in front of you, with the palms facing the ground. You have to keep your feet and knees glued to the floor. Now, walk your arms towards the left side, to draw an invisible arch. Then lower your hips a bit, and backwards toward your right heel. You will feel a gentle stretch on your right lower back. There will be a stretching feeling in your armpit as well. Hold this for at least 20-30 seconds, and repeat on the other side. 



  • Arm Circles – They are yet another stretching exercise that can deliver a whole lot of goodness to your shoulders. Stand straight and make slow, and big arm circles. You can stand close to a wall for support. You should repeat this with each hand, at least 10 times. Turn the other way, towards the wall, each time you change hands. You rotating or circling arm should be touching the wall, in either case. You should remember to maintain good posture, throughout this stretching exercise. You should ensure not to slouch forward or move backwards. It can be detrimental to the goal that you are trying to achieve with this stretching exercise. 


Yoga Poses for Shoulder Tightness 

If you are suffering from tightness of the shoulder muscles, do not fret. You are not alone. Nearly, everyone today has this problem. You may be a homemaker, a working professional sitting at the office desk, all day long, or a student studying all day and burning the midnight oil.

Those who drive cars and bikes, all too often, also tend to have the same problems. When you become anxious or stressed out, it can also lead to buildup of tension in the shoulder muscles. When the heart rate goes up, it also affects the shoulder muscles in a huge way. But there is some good news coming your way. You have yoga to fall back on. There are a few yoga poses, that can alleviate the shoulder tightness and give you some relief. 



Prasarita Padottanasana, Or A Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

This is one of the yoga asanas that can alleviate shoulder pain and discomfort. It is also one of the simplest yoga asanas, that you can do today. During the practice, you have to interlace the fingers of your hands and stretch them from the back, straight towards the sky, with you bent over. 

You have to first stand with your feet, hip-length apart. The toes should point straight forward. In the next step, you need to take both your arms backwards, and lift them to the top, in interlaced condition. Breathe deeply during the practice. You have to hinge forward and fold your body as you exhale. Once you are bent completely, you have to lift the sides of your chest, and also the shoulder blade completely.

In the meanwhile, keep stretching the hands upwards, while lengthening the back of your neck. When you are ready to release, the body from this pose, first bring your hands down and keep them on your hips. Slowly bend your knees, and stand up straight and lift your body as well. You can open up the massive shoulder joint with the help of this asana. 


Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or Dolphin Pose 

This is another Shoulder Tightness opener asana that can give your shoulder tightness some relief. It also tends to open the upper back, while stretching the shoulders and the outer arms. 

You need to support your body, on all the four limbs. Exhale and slowly. Lower the forearms to the floor. After you inhale once, exhale again and lift the knees from the floor, and form an inverted V-shape with your body. You have to support your body mainly with your forearms and the feet firmly grounded.

This is one of the poses that will aid in the repair of your shoulder muscles. It also gives strength to the arms and the shoulders. Additionally, you will also be stretching the core. Yoga poses are multi-faceted in nature. On pose has myriad benefits. So, start practicing this easy pose now. 


Gaumukh Asana or Cow Pose

The Cow pose is a seated yoga posture or asana. You can perform it as a set of other yogic postures, which are done in seating position. It helps to stretch the arms, triceps, and shoulders. Moreover, it also acts as a chest opener asana or pose. When you perform the asana, your entire body resembles the face of the cow, and hence the name. It cures stiff shoulders, and is a great asana for strengthening the back muscles. It also alleviates the symptoms of sciatica.

Even the beginners can do the pose or asana, easily. You have to seat yourself comfortably on the mat. You have to keep your back straight. At first, you need to keep your legs extended in front of you. While starting the asana, your hands will be near your hips. Bend your right leg slowly, and place it below your left buttock. Then, you need to fold your left leg and then stack it above the right leg. Raise the left arm above your head and then bend it at the elbow.

Then, you have to fold the right arm, from behind the back and interlock the fingers with those of the left hand’s fingers. You have to stay as comfortable as possible. Take the victorious breath, or Ujjayi breath, while practicing the asana. Slowly exhale, and then release the arms. Then, slowly release your legs and bring them back to the original position. You have to repeat on the other side. 


Nataraja Asana or Lord of the Dance Pose 

While practicing this pose, you might feel that it is somewhat similar to the Bow pose, or Dhanur asana. The only difference being that this one is a standing asana. However, there is subtle difference, as you are using one hand and one leg at a time. So, you can focus well, and in a better manner. 

You can begin the asana, in Tadasana. Inhale and lift your left heel to touch the left buttock. Along with this, you need to take your left hand back and hold the left ankle, or the side of the feet, whichever feels comfortable. Try to push your left feet up towards the ceiling and away from the torso. It should be somewhat parallel to the floor. Stretch your right arm forward, with your right foot firmly grounded for balance. Your right arm should also be parallel to the floor. Hold the pose for some time. And, then you can again repeat it on the other side. 


Garuda Asana 

Garuda asana is basically a standing, balancing pose or asana. When you cross both arms and intertwine them, and do the same with the legs, the body resembles an eagle. Therefore, it has the same name. Garuda is the eagle, which is an epitome of strength, focus, and the ability to see clearly even from miles away. You should perform the asana before eating any food, in the morning or at night. This asana or pose targets the Shoulder Tightness, adductors, legs, and the glutes. In this asana, you will be standing on one foot, so balancing capabilities develop over the time. 

You can practice Tadasana, before graduating into the Garudasana. Stand up straight, and focus your eyes on any point in front of you. You have to transfer the weight entirely to the left foot, to begin with. Lift the right foot off the floor. Cross the right thigh over the left one, and hook the right foot on the left calf. Take both the hands and bring them, in front of you.

Bend them at the elbows. Bend the left arm under the right one, and hook it. Next, wrap the left palm around the right palm, with the arms already hooked. You ought to try to do the namaste, with both the palms. You should be looking high up, as an eagle would. Hold the position for some time, at least 5-10 seconds. Repeat on the other side. This asana will give your shoulder health a huge boost. 


Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana 

This is another shoulder opener pose or asana, that will help to alleviate the Shoulder Tightness in your shoulder muscles. Bhujangasana means cobra pose. You will be amazed to know that this pose is also a part of the Surya Namaskara and Padma Sadhana. This is a pose, that you can do while lying down. It is without doubt a great shoulder opener.

Additionally, it has the power to relieve the pain from the neck region. It also tones the abdomen, and improves the flexibility of the upper as well as the middle back region. The chest also expands. 

You simply have to lie down on the mat, with your belly touching the floor and the hands by your side. The soles of your feet, should be facing upwards. Keep both the legs close together. Place both the hands in front of you, in such a way, so that they are folded a bit at the elbow, and are under the shoulders. Now, take a deep breath, and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen. Your belly button, should touch the floor.

With the support of your hands, raise the torso from the ground and try to look at the ceiling. Curve your spine in the process, but continue to breathe deeply. Slowly stretch your arms straight, while maintaining the pressure, that aids in keeping you in this position. You can maintain the pose for 4-5 breaths. Then, exhale finally and lower your body slowly. The hands need to move back to their original position as well. 

Final Words 

So, now that you know how to alleviate the pain and Shoulder Tightness from the shoulder joint, you should do these at home on a regular basis. However, you can also enroll in a yoga school, with expert guidance, to perform the more difficult asanas and poses. You will learn to perform the difficult asanas or poses under the expert tutelage of gurus.

Along with such stretching and yoga practices, it is also necessary that you keep your diet in check. You should consume a wholesome diet, that comprises Kale, Spinach, and other leafy greens. Additionally, you should increase the intake of Vitamin C, that helps in cell regeneration. Calcium-rich food are also important, as they help in the strengthening of the bones. 

Those who suffer from Shoulder Tightness  or pain in the shoulders, often think, that by taking rest, they can give a boost to the shoulder health. It may also help them heal faster, if they do not move the shoulders much. However, it is a completely wrong notion. The more you keep it stationary, the tighter it becomes over a period of time.

Furthermore, the joints decrease the range of motion. So, you have to maintain an active state anyhow. The stretches and yoga asanas or postures, listed above can give a huge boost to your shoulder health and overall body as well. So, keep practicing the same and also look for guidance from a physiotherapist if necessary.








Pramod Sahoo
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