What does Tadasana mean?

Tadasana is also known as Samasthiti. TADA is a Sanskrit word means Mountain. Asana means posture. Another word is Samasthiti. SAMA means Equal or Balanced, STHITI means Stand.

This Asana is a CENTRERING POSE for all the Standing postures. All the standing poses start from Mountain and end in the Mountain Pose. So it is a basic pose for all the standing pose. After performing many standing poses some one can rest in this position to normalize the breaths. This is the very active position. As soon some one stand in this correct position it activate the Satvik Energy, means provide lightness, stability, grounded in the position before move. Also as you know marshal art start from this position as a centering pose Tadasana. What Iyengar Said – “Once we can master on Tadasana, then all the other poses come”.

How to do Tadasana in Yoga


  • Place your feet together or with apart with your hip joints.
  • Make sure your knee caps are lift up and legs are active.
  • Take your tailbone in.
  • Spine erect from tailbone to skull.
  • Roll your shoulders back and drop, aligned your collarbone.
  • Arms are gentle active along of your body and fingers are active.
  • Take your chin in and look front.
  • Focus your mind on your breathing and observe your breaths.
  • Enjoy your stable body and free flowing breaths.



Contraindications Of  Tadasana

  • People with headache, migraine problems should not practice mountain pose.
  • In the low blood pressure if someone hold this posture quite long time it may cause dizziness. Because there will be more blood flow in the lower part of the body.
  • For the pregnancy women they have to keep the wider apart with hip joint instead of together.


What are the benefits of Tadasana

  • Tadasana is a best centering pose and feels grounded, provides stability before move towards any other poses.
  • It is very helpful pose for the mind and emotional balances.
  • It helps the best alignment of the physical body structure, which strengthen and tone the core muscles