Today, most people are turning to yoga for mental happiness and relaxation. It is something, that the world always knew about. However, people have turned more accepting of the same. You may also come face-to-face with people, who do yoga for physical fitness. And, that is what, most studios and schools project it as. If you head to the best Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, you will find many instances, where people moved towards yoga for other benefits, apart from physical ones.

According to the Saint Patanjali, who listed down the eight limbs of yoga, yoga is a way, in which you can control mental fluctuations. You can also manage the external manifestations of the mind, with yoga. When you learn how to manage your emotions and mental well-being, many things just fall into place.

The manifestations of yoga practice, include physical ones, mental ones, emotional ones as well as physical ones. Today, you will gain some enlightenment about the mental implications of yoga practice.

How Does Yoga Affect You Mentally?

Before you start counting the benefits of yoga on your mind and brain, you need to understand the inherent relationship between them. The several principles that have been laid down include-
⦁ Yama
⦁ Niyama
⦁ Asanas
⦁ Pranayama
⦁ Pratyahara
⦁ Dharana
⦁ Dhyana
⦁ Samadhi

Only asanas talk about physical aspects. The rest of the principles revolve around mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences. Thus, you can very well understand, that the main aim of yoga is centred around the practitioner’s inner experiences. If you want to practice authentic yoga, you should create a culture of introspection, reflection, and the discovery of the self. You have to learn to connect to your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values. You can delve deeper and deeper, and still find more information within. Thus, you can say with confidence, that yoga is a lot about psychological well-being.

importance of yoga

What Science Has To Say  About Importance Of Yoga To Maintain Physical And Mental Health?

Most scientific research works have said that, yoga works by way of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis. It also includes the sympathetic nervous system under its wings. If we are to move away from such jargons, yoga reduces the levels of cortisol in the blood, which create negative behaviour patterns. The other health issues that can arise as a result include cardiac ailments, if your cortisol levels are high. You must have heard of the word ‘mindfulness’. Some people may also call it by other names. These are all nothing, but various processes which alter the brain neurotransmitters and the receptors.

The receptors, which you will likely read about, in such cases are GABA and Serotonin, to name a few. When these are in optimum levels, the stress and anxiety is likely less. Your brain waves also get altered due to the right practices. So, you can very well say, that ‘mindfulness’ is an important part of yoga. You should always aim at long term mindfulness, rather than short term ones. In long term, the quantity of dopamine increases in the amygdala. This helps in the proper regulation of emotions.

Now, many of you may think of the mental and physical benefits in isolation. However, that is a totally wrong notion. Yoga’s physical benefits lead to a chain of benefits for mind and the brain. As you continue to practice yoga for the myriad physical benefits, the regulation of hormones and chemicals in the body is also taking place.

Over time, the aging process is also affected. Aging also happens due to slowing brain cells functioning, apart from the skin losing its collagen reserves. If you make yoga a part of your life, you can reap various physical benefits as well as associated mental, emotional, and psychological ones. You can understand about the intricacies, during the yoga training in rishikesh, at one of the best schools like Hari Om Yoga Vidya School.

importance of yoga

Who All Can Reap The Benefits?

Now, many of you may be left wondering, if you are a candidate of yoga. There are several excuses that may come forth, as a result. Many of you may have the pre-conceived notion, that yoga is not for all. But the truth is that yoga is exactly for all. No matter, what your age, gender, or background is, you can practice yoga. The fun part is that, the inflexible can also do yoga.

If you are a beginner, who has never done yoga before, do not be scared to take the plunge. Just join the best yoga school in rishikesh, and start training. By the time, you finish the foundation level course, you would have discovered an all-new self. You can gain from yoga, as a solo practice and also a group one. The options are simply without limits.

There is another fact about yoga, that you may be oblivious to. Most people think that yogis have to be agile, fast, or flexible. However, it is more about the mind, than it is about the body. Yoga asanas can be clubbed with other subtle practice like meditation and Pranayama. In fact, the latter is the main aspect of yoga. As you become more and more proficient in your practice, you will realize that, your poses are guided by your breath, and not the other around.

Yoga and meditation, when clubbed together promote relaxation and also reduces depressive symptoms. The practices can help you to stay centred. It is very much vital for stress management and anxiety management. The practices revolving around the asanas and meditation also affect the ‘Vagus nerve’. If you engage in such simple practices, it can amplify your awareness levels as well. You will learn to be in sync with the present circumstances, rather than the past. You will also stop worrying about the future. The best yoga teacher training school in rishikesh will help you to master the intricacies of yoga.

As you take your body through the paces, you develop strength, stability, and balance. Once the exterior is strong, you will start to look within.

importance of yoga

Mentals Benefits Decoded

There are many different types of yoga, and the most commonly practiced one happens to be Hatha Yoga. It combines both asanas, meditation, and breathing techniques. It has been widely researched, that the right yoga practices can have huge mental benefits. They are-

⦁ When you practice yoga, for example asanas, your brain will start producing certain feel-good chemicals. They include dopamine and serotonin. Although yoga movements are restrained, they have the power to stimulate brain response. Thus, after a session of yoga, you will feel happier.

⦁ If you practice yoga on a regular basis, it can relieve your depression. You can weigh the benefits of yoga, with other treatments, like medicines and psychotherapy. Medicines can cause side effects, and psychotherapy may or may not produce results. However, yoga does work. If you suffer from some major depressive disorders, then also it can work.

⦁ Yoga is also known to reduce stress. When you move your body, the stiffness goes away. They may be a lot of tension in the muscles and joints. When you practice yoga, the same goes away. The calm atmosphere, and the peaceful music are also accompaniments for the same. You will develop a positive attitude, when you practice the same on a regular basis.

⦁ If you practice yoga on a regular basis, it can also lessen your anxiety. The breathing practices involved with yoga practice are said to have the maximum effects. When you breathe in a proper manner, the anxiety gets an outlet. The fresh Prana replaces the stale one in the body, and you can get a fresh dose if energy.

⦁ After a tiring session of yoga, you will often feel sleepy. It goes without saying, that yoga is slow, but it acts on the right centres. All those who participate in yoga, on a regular basis, report an improvement in sleep cycles. When the brain is relaxed, it can lead to better sleep.

⦁ When you go to an offline yoga class, you meet new people and get to socialize. This can affect you mentally, to a huge extent. You will experience a sense if belonging. Moreover, you will also get networking opportunities, and that can help you in your career as well.

Now, that you know of so many positive benefits of yoga, you should inculcate the habit in yourself, to practice it. Join a yoga teacher training course, as that is where you will get complete and wholesome knowledge. Hari Om Yoga Vidya school is one of the most renowned yoga schools, where you can gain complete and authentic knowledge of yoga. It is essential that you imbibe true knowledge to get all the benefits of yoga.

Join one of the retreat sessions and see for yourself. The experience will most likely be delightful. You can embark on a journey of self-discovery, and get the true benefits mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.

importance of yoga