Trataka is one of the most popular gazing meditative practices in yoga. By stilling the eyes, you not only gain the power to freeze your thoughts, but much more than that. There is a definite relationship between your eye position and various hemispheres of the brain. So much so, that by changing your eye positions, you can change your mood and feelings. Research has proven that when you gaze towards the left, you affect your right hemisphere, and when you do the opposite, the opposite side gets affected. So, it was conclusively derived that, when you look straight ahead of you, you will be affecting the entire brain as a whole. 

Trataka is a Yogic Gazin technique, which involves the eyes. But the relaxation is very relaxing. You can practice initially with open eyes, by focusing the gaze on an external object. With time, as you become the master of this practice, you can shift the gaze internally into void, with your eyes closed. You can also introduce breath awareness and mantra chanting for added effects. 

Anatomical Implications

It has been proven, that the relationship between the eyes and the brain gets established, the moment you were born. Moreover, another amazing thing that you should know of, is that your eyes start developing within two weeks of conception. The retina and the optic nerves happen to be a direct growth of the brain cells. So, you can conclude that the retina is actually a part of the brain. Moreover, almost half of the brain is dedicated to seeing. 

How To Do Trataka Meditation?

External Gazing:

  • This is what any beginner starts with. The object of your focus may be anything, like an object or a candle flame. Moreover, you can gaze at the sun or the moon, if you want to. You have to gaze at the object or the flame, in complete silence. 
  • Ensure that no window is open. As a flickering flame can cause problems with concentration. 
  • After 2-3 minutes of constant staring, your eyes will get heavy and water will start coming out. 
  • You can close your eyes, and see the image of the flame, in your mind. 
  • When you are done, open the eyes slowly, while big drops of tears come out. Wash the eyes with that same water. 
  • You can go for another round, or finish it at that instance. Wash your eyes with cold water. 

Internal Gazing:

  • As you gain prowess with external Trataka, you can start with the internal one as well. 
  • In this, you have to imagine an object and stare at it or at least visualize that you are doing so, with closed eyes. You can also recreate the outside scenery and then focus on a given focal point, with eyes closed. 

Gazing Into Space:

This is the third type of gazing, in Trataka, which involves gazing into the void. You must be extremely proficient with the first two, then only you can migrate to the third one. You should have stability, to be able to practice this. 

  • Boochari Mudra – In this practice, you have to raise your hand in front of you and look at it. After some time, you can remove the hand, but keep looking into that direction. You will be actually looking into space. 
  • You can choose objects from your surroundings, and then look at the space between them. 
  • You can also choose to gaze into a dark room. 
  • You have to keep your eyes closed and then rotate the eye balls, at least 180 degrees, and bring it back to its original position. You should always try this after mastering the external and internal forms first.


There are two variations of External Trataka, where you can gaze at the tip of your nose or in the blank space between the eye brows. 


  • Practice gazing on fire, as it attracts the sight well. You will be able to develop focus.
  • You cannot perform candle gazing for more than 10 minutes. 
  • You have to keep the practice as relaxed as possible. Do not put stress on the eyes. 
  • You should keep the object or the candle on a table at the same level, as your eyes. The distance should be a 1.5-feet to 5 feet. 
  • You have to gaze with some purpose in mind. 
  • Do not blink much, but if it is uncontrollable, it does not matter. 

Benefits Of Trataka Meditation

  • Your mind power and concentration is bound to increase, when you practice Trataka on a daily basis. 
  • It can also improve your visualization skills. 
  • It cures many eye diseases. 
  • It can improve your brain’s cognitive functioning. 
  • Helps to cure insomnia. 
  • It can relieve your anxious mind. 
  • It can also balance the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain. 
  • It also has a soothing effect on the cranial nerves. 
  • It enhances self-confidence. 

Contraindications Of  Trataka Meditation

  • If you suffer from Astigmatism, Cataract, or Glaucoma, you should not practice it. 
  • If you have Myopia, wear the glasses while doing it. 
  • Epileptic people must not perform it on a candle flame. 
  • Do not gaze at the sun for a long time, as nerves may get damaged. 


Trataka is an important practice or a cleansing technique and falls under Shatkarma. It cleanses the eyes inside out and leads to good health. So, you can practice it under the guidance of a learned guru. You will get resolution from eye issues and mental issues to a huge extent, if you do it regularly.