What is Dementia ? | Yoga Therapy for Dementia

According to WHO, over 50 million people suffer from Dementia at present. In the near future, 10 million cases will arise every year as well. So, this may be a huge concern for all. There is not a single permanent cure for this disease, that affects the older population. However, don’t be worried yet. A Dementia diagnosis does not mean, that you have to lament about it, though. If you happen to go to a doctor, the incumbent will suggest some food groups, that you need to include in your daily diet. Additionally, the doctor may also suggest supplements.

The supplements like ginkgo biloba, omega-3 fatty acids, ginseng, some vitamins like B12 and B9, claim to slow down the progress of this disease. However, proper and concrete evidence on the same is still missing. Can yoga reduce the risks of Dementia? Yes, probably. A good yoga centre in rishikesh will show you the way.
Before, you find that out, you have to find out what Dementia is all about.

Know What Dementia Is All About

It is basically a term, that denotes a group of symptoms that affects memory, thinking, social functioning. Several diseases can actually cause Dementia. It involves memory loss and may have different causes. Alzheimer’s is one of the main triggers that cause Dementia. You will experience several cognitive changes, like memory loss, difficulty in communication, difficulty with visual abilities, difficulty with planning and organizing and many more. Additionally, you might experience depression, anxiety, agitation, and hallucinations. The disease is mainly caused by damage to the nerve cells, or their loss. Dementia can cause different effects, depending which area of the brain it affects.

Research has shown in recent times, that yoga and meditation can help. So, you will find many seniors rushing to the Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh. Yoga and meditation can affect the stress levels in the body. The reason being, that stress hormones can cause inflammation and can also negatively impact various brain cells. You can introduce yoga as a complementary therapy for all those who are suffering from Dementia.

Yoga Practices For Dementia

You can work with a few yogic practices, that can affect cognitive impairment positively. But, before you begin, you have to find out what the capabilities are like.

A safe environment is extremely essential, if one is to practice yoga for such therapies. No matter, if you are a practitioner or the teacher reading this, the next few things will be important for your knowledge.

⦁ Asana Practice – You can practice asanas, to increase your flexibility and muscle strength. It can also help you, if you fall or injure yourself. You have to bring your attention to the anchor body points, such as belly, palms, and heart. Gentle twists are extremely essential for your yogic practice. You can try those asanas, in which you have to look over your shoulders. These practices strengthen the Vagus nerve, so your Parasympathetic response improves.
You can also try balancing asanas, like Vrikshasana and Tadasana.

These asanas also help in balancing the two hemispheres of the brain. Additionally, you must encourage cross-lateral movements, to make the hemispheres work a tad bit more. Gentle Forward Fold asanas, like Paschimottasana can help you a lot. This is one asana, that helps the practitioner adapt to the circumstances, without exerting much pressure on the body parts.

Yoga Therapy for Dementia

⦁ Pranayama – Patients of Dementia will likely benefit, from breathing exercises. Proper breathing allows the entry of fresh ‘Prana’ into the body. It also improves sleep patterns and also regulates the mood. If your patient or you yourself are suffering from the disease, this is what you need to do.

All those suffering from early to mid-stage disease, can get help from the practice of Bhramari Pranayama. It is also called as the Bumble Bee breathing technique. The exhalation is quite long, in this, and you are also supposed to let out a sound while exhaling. This sound resembles the sound of the buzzing bee. Your parasympathetic nervous system is also affected positively.

All those who are in the later stages of Dementia, need to activate the Phrenic nerves. This nerve, if relaxed, helps the body in relaxation and also controls hyper arousal.

⦁ Meditation – You should also engage in meditation. Meditation also has the power to increase your memory and concentration. It will help you to remember and recall things in a better manner. You can participate in group meditation practice, along with chanting. Yoga Nidra is also particularly very helpful. You can practice such exercises, under the guidance of a learned expert from schools like Hari Om Yoga Vidya School. When you repeat the mantras whole chanting, it creates a cosmic awareness of sorts. So, you will be able to get better in terms of your calmness.

It is very important that you work with a teacher, to find out what clicks for you. All kinds of yogic practises, may not help you. So, switch to ones that does. Join hands with the best yoga school in Rishikesh, for maximum results.

Pramod Sahoo
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