Yoga Therapy For Infertility | 4 Incredible Yoga Poses That Help Boost Fertility

Today, in most household, couples work, as expenses surmount. So, they often fall prey to stress and anxiety. You will find couples not even getting to meet each other, or spend quality time with one another. One of the health issues, bothering people, apart from stress, cardiac ailments, and hypertension, is infertility. Many women also delay their pregnancy well past the age of 35 years.

So, infertility issues come into the picture. Use of too much alcohol and excessive smoking also causes huge problems, in men. You will find many couples heading to fertility clinics, to get the desired medication and treatment. Like many other ailments, yoga can be your saviour. You can head to the best yoga retreat in Rishikesh, to get some solutions for your infertility problems.

How Can Yoga Boost Fertility?

Yoga has the power to make the body flexible, and also keeps the body healthy. Pranayama helps in boosting the oxygen reserves of the body. It also reduces anxiety and nervousness. There are many Shatkarma kriyas, which you can practice, to boost the cleansing mechanisms inside the body. If you remain calm under all circumstances, the body will also be at its optimum functionality.

You can join the 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh to learn about asanas, Pranayama, meditation, Shatkarma kriyas, and several other kriyas.

Yoga Therapy For Infertility

Incredible Yoga Poses That Help Boost Fertility

⦁ Paschimottasana – It is the first asana, or the second one that comes to mind, when you think about yoga asanas. Padmasana being the first one. You can do this asana, almost anywhere. It can help in stretching the muscles of the lower back, hamstrings, and the hips. It also compresses the abdominal organs and reproductive organs.

Moreover, this asana also helps to keep visceral fat at bay. Your ovaries will also function at optimum levels, if you do this asana on a regular basis. You simply have to sit in Dandasana pose, and then slowly fold the body, from the waist. At the same time, you have to take the arms forward, and bring them in contact with the feet. Holding the pose for a certain length of time, is extremely helpful.

⦁ Halasana – This is the plough pose, which is also effective in massaging the abdominal organs and the reproductive organs. It also reduces stress and increases blood flow, towards the head region. Halasana is one of the best asanas, which can impact the health of both males and females. Research has indicated, that Halasana affects sperm motility and sperm count in men.

Halasana also improves blood circulation within the reproductive system and ovaries. You can do this almost anywhere, on the ground or on the bed. In this pose, you have to lie down, and lift both the legs slowly, and take them over the head, to bring them in contact with the ground beyond the head. The hands will be by the side of the body, with palms facing the ground. The body will resemble a ploughing machine, which is used in agriculture. You must hold this pose for some time, and then finally release.

⦁ Danurasana – It is yet another asana, which helps in increasing the sperm count in males. Moreover, the asana is great for the belly, arms, and legs, as well. It also works on the entire cardiovascular system. You can perform this asana for a minute every day, to get good results. To perform this asana, you have to lie down on the floor or mat, on your belly. Lift the legs backward, and arch them towards your head. Hold the legs with both arms, right over the back. Your body will resemble a bow, in this stance. You can stay like this, according to your comfort levels and then release. Relax and repeat, if required.


⦁ Setu Bandhasana – Many women are unable to conceive, as they suffer from endometriosis. In this disease, tissue which is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside it. It affects the ability of such women to become pregnant. It can begin during the first menstrual cycle, and stretch till menopause. Setu Bandhasana works by increasing the flow of blood to the uterus and ovaries. It is also good at controlling the Thyroid levels.

It also controls the growth of endometrium tissues. The asana also affects the digestive system positively. Doing this asana is quite easy. You simply have to lie down on your back on the floor, or mat. Thereafter, you need to fold the legs and support the lower part of the body, on the soles of the feet. Slowly, raise the back from the ground as well. The hands remain by your side, with the palms facing the floor.

These are a few of the yoga asanas, which you can practice regularly, to get over your fertility issues. Alongside, you can do Anulom Vilom, which can help you to get rid of negativity. Kapalbhati can also be practiced, to get a healthier outlook on life, in general. Abstain from smoking, alcohol, and too much consumption of processed food, to make conception easy. Head to Hari Om Yoga Vidya School to learn the above practices.


Pramod Sahoo
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