Yoga Therapy for Kidney Disorders

Yoga Therapy for Kidney Disorders

Today most people are living the fast life. You may be one of the people, who we are talking about today. Like you, most other millennials, are rushing from home to work in the morning and returning by late evening. Moreover, there is a lot of family responsibilities, that one has to handle. So, lifestyle diseases are cropping in. The yoga retreat in Rishikesh, is seeing a growing number of attendees who are looking for some solace.

According to reports, only ten percent of people know that they have kidney diseases. Other lifestyle diseases like sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, are tested for, more often. But many people abstain from getting tested for kidney ailments. The Symptoms of kidney damage do not show up, until the last stage.

Some of the causes of kidney diseases are a lack of sleep, unhealthy food consumption, alcohol dependence, rising stress levels, and a lack of exercise. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney ailments. If you want to guard against kidney damage, then you must keep note of the symptoms.

Symptoms Of Kidney Damage

⦁ Extreme tiredness is one of the first signs that denote kidney ailments.
⦁ You may also have trouble sleeping well at night.
⦁ Dry and itchy skin are other manifestations of kidney ailments.
⦁ You will urinate more often, if you suffer from some underlying kidney disease.
⦁ Moreover, you might experience a drop in urine output.
⦁ Some patients also report blood in urine.
⦁ There will be puffiness around eyes, if you suffer from any sort of kidney ailment.
⦁ The feet will also be swollen, if you suffer from kidney ailments.
⦁ Poor appetite is another sign, that you may have an underlying kidney disorder.
⦁ Nausea and vomiting are also prevalent.
⦁ You might experience muscle cramps as well.
⦁ Shortness of breath is another sign, that you may have kidney ailments.

If you happen to enroll for a 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, you will get the best knowledge on disease management with yoga.

Yoga Therapy For Kidney Disorders

You will be able to get rid, manage, and also prevent kidney ailments, if you regularly engage in a few asanas.

⦁ Bhujangasana – It is one of the best asanas, which you can use to target kidney ailments. Lie down flat on your belly, and then lift the torso, while inhaling, with the help of the hands. The hands will be close to the body. Your palms will be supporting the weight of the front of the body, with the fingers facing forward.

The legs will be stretched at the back, with the toes pointing backwards. Your elbows will be flexed, for added support. You can retain this pose for some time. It adds some pressure to the abdominal and pelvic area. Thus, your kidneys also get a good massage.

⦁ Setu Bandhasana – It is another yoga asana, which you can practice for kidney health maintenance and proper functioning. You have to start this asana, by lying flat on the ground on your back. Bend the knees and elbows. Place the soles of the feet, on the floor. Then slowly, with the hands by your sides, with palms facing downward, you have to lift the back from the floor.

This is an arching position, which you can hold for 10- 12 seconds and then come back to the original position and then repeat. The kidneys are exercised in this pose, and they are also infused with fresh oxygenated blood.

⦁ Naukasana – This is another important asana, which you can practice at the best yoga school in Rishikesh. You have to start by lying down flat on the floor. The arms will be by the sides. You have to inhale and exhale for some time, before you lift the torso from the ground, and simultaneously also lift both the legs together.

Then you have to lift the hands straight forward. Maintain the stance, with the buttocks balancing the body on the floor. You have to actively engage the core muscles, to maintain the pose. Hold the position for some time, to add more pressure in the pelvis area. The kidneys also get a good massage. It also improves blood circulation, so that you can gain in terms of overall health.

⦁ Shashank asana – This is another asana, which can help in giving the kidneys a good massage and stimulate them as well. You can start the asana, in Vajrasana. Place both the hands on the thighs and practice deep breathing. As you inhale, you have to raise both the hands above the head and then stretch.

Then fold the torso, as you exhale and bend forward. The nose and the chin should touch the floor, as you bend down. Hold the position for some time. Ensure that your buttocks should be in touch with the calves, while you are in this position.

These are a few asanas, which can give your kidneys new life. However, it is always better to learn asanas under teachers, who have a complete understanding of the poses. Head to Hari Om Yoga Vidya School for the same.

Pramod Sahoo
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