Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Yoga Therapy For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Disease

According to research and available facts, almost 6-12 percent women are affected by PCOS. It mainly affects women of the child bearing age. It is basically an endocrine gland disorder, that makes the female organs secrete larger quantities of male hormones. Thus, it leads to irregular periods, weight gain, and fertility issues.

However, Yoga can come to your help. You must head to the best yoga school in Rishikesh, to find out more about the treatments and cure through holistic means. However, please keep in mind, that yoga will not be able to cure the root disease, but will help you to manage the symptoms. Before, we delve further and try to unearth the possibilities of treatment, cure, or prevention, you should know a bit about the disease.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Disease

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a disease, that is caused due to the hormonal imbalances in the body. It mainly happens during the reproductive years. All the women, who suffer from this condition show different and varying degrees of symptoms. The excess androgen, the male hormone in the body is the cause of all such symptoms. Cysts also develop in the outer edge of the ovary. The cysts stop the ovary follicles from releasing the eggs. You will learn about human anatomy and physiology in great detail, as a part of the 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh.

Some of the other factors, apart from high levels of male hormones in the female body, that contribute to such diseases are insulin resistance, inflammation, and hereditary issues. The first reason why you should get the disease treated, is that, it could lead to infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, and sleep apnea, among many others.

Effect of yoga on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

If you are thinking of pursuing yoga in Rishikesh, it is a good decision. Anyone can pursue yoga, no matter what the age. Moreover, you will be able to start training under experts at Hari Om Yoga Vidya School. Here are a few yoga therapies, which can help you to manage the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome better.

⦁ Malasana – It is also called the Garland pose. This asana can strengthen the pelvic floor area, and also the abdominal muscles. Moreover, you will feel your hips opening up. The blood circulation in the pelvic region, also increases manifold. You will also experience better digestion and metabolism, as a result. It is extremely easy to get into the Malasana pose. You have to join your hands, and sit in a deep squat.

The soles of the feet must be flat on the ground and not lifted. Your hands will be within the periphery of the knees. Try to keep the spine as erect as possible. You can hold the pose, according to your convenient time. Moreover, you can repeat the pose thrice. If you do this on a regular basis, you will be able to get things right.

⦁ Setu Bandhasana – It is also called the Bridge pose, as the body resembles a bridge in this pose. This pose can calm your brain, and release excess stress from your body. You have to start by lying down flat on the ground. Slowly, fold the legs and keep them a foot apart. Place both the hands with palms down on either side of the body. While inhaling, slowly lift the pelvis up in the air.

The lower back and mid back also goes up. You ought to roll down your shoulders a bit, and tuck the chin in the chest. Remember to keep the thighs parallel to one another and to the floor as well. Breathe regularly, while you are in this pose. Hold the pose for a certain amount of time, and then release. You can repeat this pose a few times, and you can start noticing the results in a few days.


⦁ Dhanurasana – This is another pose, which will likely benefit women, who have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It also helps in relieving one of menstrual discomfort, by stimulating the reproductive organs. The blood circulation within the pelvic region also increases manifold, as a result of regular practice. Your abdominal organs, neck, shoulders, and legs also get a good stretch as a result of continuous practice of the Dhanurasana.

You have to start, by lying down on the belly. The legs will initially be kept straight, and stretched outwards. Then, slowly you have to hold the feet, with the help of the hands. The chest will also be lifted, floating in the air, and pulled back. At this point, the body resembles a bow, ready to strike. Release yourself from the pose, while leaving the hold on the feet, and slowly come back to the floor. You can repeat this pose a number of times.


These are three of the best asanas for all those women who are suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. If you do this asana on a regular basis, you will get relief from the symptoms of the disease. So, head to one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh today, and join the yoga teacher training course to know more about such therapies.

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Yes, absolutely. You do not need to be a 500 hour yoga TTC trained expert to become a best yoga teacher in Rishikesh. Moreover, you do not need to do headstands and Hanuman Asana, to be considered competent. You will be amazed to know that many people go for yoga teacher training at first, to deepen their knowledge. Amongst the beginner level learners, many get ample time to practice and perfect their yoga poses. The 200 hour yoga TTC is the perfect stepping stone for you to embrace the idea of teaching. You can always take up a job as assistant yoga teacher, after completing the training.

You can become a yoga teacher in Rishikesh very easily, if you learn from one of the renowned yoga schools there. The best schools are certified by Yoga Alliance. It is one of the best qualifications that you can flaunt. After having completed the yoga course, you will be in a position to teach as an intern or assistant, at the very same school where you did yoga TTC. Apart from that, once you get sufficient experience as an assistant, you can look for independent teaching jobs. Yoga is a culture in Rishikesh. Wherever you look, you will find some teaching opportunity or the other.

This is one of the most common questions that students ask. However, it is not a mandate to be exact. It is a voluntary decision for any yoga school, to register or not. Yoga Alliance is basically a private and non-profit organization, created sometime in 1999-2000. It mainly acts as a standard for yoga education. The organization has a set criterion that schools registered under it, need to follow. After completing a Yoga Alliance course, you can apply for the Registered Yoga Teacher training certification. Moreover, it offers a global platform to the students that helps in attending courses and workshops, almost free of cost.

To be exact, Yoga Alliance does not certify. It gives an accreditation. A school which has received the accreditation can be called a Registered Yoga School. A Yoga Alliance certification lays down a few guidelines that the registered school needs to follow. Amongst the guidelines, the first thing which acts as a prerequisite is the pre-defined syllabus. Additionally, trained and registered yoga teachers will teach the students. The main focus is on the depth of training. The accreditation mainly lays down the rules that one must follow. So, it essentially maintains unity.

Hatha Yoga is very easy, to be exact. Any beginner level student can learn Hatha Yoga. It is a static yoga style. So, if you are looking for more flexibility, balance, and stability, then you have to go for Hatha Yoga. Most classes last from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. So, the classes can be a bit mentally and physically exhausting. You will be amazed to know that Hatha Yoga is the most commonly practiced yoga style across the western world. Being a slower form of yoga, you get more time to focus on your breathing patterns and focus. So, it mainly prepares you for higher forms.