Where Can I Get The Best Yoga Retreats In Rishikesh?

Where Can I Get The Best Yoga Retreats In Rishikesh? After the pandemic hit the globe, people are running for yoga courses, while some are looking for retreats. Now, many of you may be a bit confused about choosing one. A yoga ashram offers both courses as well as retreats. A yoga school in Rishikesh, […]
Padmasana – Lotus Pose: Benefits and Steps on how to do it

Padmasana – Lotus Pose Padmasana or the Lotus pose, is often the first pose that you may be practicing at the yoga class. It creates the essential foundation for your yoga practice as well. Amazingly. It is both a grounding asana and an energizing asana. It is symbolic of the Lotus flower, and hence the […]
What are the 2 Excellent Paschimottanasana Variations?

Paschimottanasana Variations Paschimottanasana Variations is one of the most basic foundation poses in the paschimottanasana . It is most yoga enthusiasts breeze through practicing in one month. You have to try Paschimottanasana Variations when you learn to do Paschimottanasana. You will achieve more flexibility after doing this Paschimottanasana Variations. Seated Forward Bend B – […]
What is Upward Bow Pose & its 4 safety precautions?

Urdwa Dhanurasana – Upward Bow Pose The Upward Dhanurasana has multiple benefits on the human body. Upward Bow Pose has the power to strengthen your abdomen, arms, legs and also the spine. It is an intense back-bending asana, which only intermediates and advanced practitioners can do. This is a wholesome energy-boosting pose as well, which is […]
6 Benefits of Setubandhasana & its Safety Precautions

Setubandhasana – Bridge Pose Setubandhasana is one of the back-bending asanas, that new students can perform. It is an asana or pose, which you can learn at any time, throughout your life. It is one of the favourites for most students, who want to awaken their senses. You can get your hips and legs strengthened, […]
Upward Facing Full Forward Bend Pose with 8 benefits & safety precautions

Urdva Mukha Paschimottasana – Upward Facing Full Forward Bend Pose The Urdva Mukha Paschimottasana is one of the most important intermediate poses.Upward Facing Full Forward Bend Pose is an advanced asana, which is a part of the Ashtanga Primary series. Moreover, it is combination of Paschimottanasana and Ubhaya Padangusthasana, which is known to activate the […]
8 Benefits of Ubhaya Padongusthasana & its safety precautions

Ubhaya Padongusthasana – Both Big Toes Pose Ubhaya Padongusthasana is an excellent asana, if you want to develop your core muscles. Moreover, it is a balancing pose as well. It also strengthens and stretches the core as well. Apart From its physical benefits,Ubhaya Padongusthasana or this pose imparts a number of benefits, spiritually. It […]
9 Benefits of Supta Padongusthasana with Safety Precautions
Supta Padongusthasana – Reclining Big Toe Posture What is Supta Padongusthasana? Supta Padongusthasana is a supine asana, that has a whole lot of benefits. The asana or pose is a great way to stretch the hamstrings and calves. Moreover, the spine also gets engaged without getting hurt. Moreover, there is less tension in the back […]
11 Excellent Benefits Of Karnapidasana – Ear Pressure Pose

What is Karnapidasana? Karnapidasana is one of the rare poses, which form a part of the Ashtanga Primary series. It mainly helps to practice the fifth limb of the eight-fold path called Pratyahara. It deals with the complete withdrawal of the senses and focuses on the inner being, by shunning off all the distractions. This […]
7 Benefits of Supta Konasana with its safety precautions

Supta Konasana With Variations What is Supta Konasana? Supta Konasana is one of the poses in the Ashtanga Primary series, that can prepare you for more advanced inverted asanas. It is also called a restorative pose, for the very same reason. Many yoga experts also call it a more advanced version of Halasana. As with […]