5 Benefits Of Embryo Pose | How To Do Pindasana
Pindasana – Embryo Pose This asana, called Pindasana or the Embryo pose is a part of the closing asanas of the Ashtanga Primary series. It relaxes the whole spine area. Moreover, the muscles of the lumbar region are deeply affected. It also strengthens the abdominal muscles and the digestive system. You have to do this […]
10 Benefits Of Matsyasana with Safety Precautions – Fish Pose

What is Matsyasana? Matsyasana is a beginner level pose, which you have to do in Padmasana, followed by a back-bend. The asana is such that, your complete upper body gets a stretch. It also increases the flexibility and length of the torso. You will also be able to improve on the overall posture. The mention […]
10 Benefits Of Utpluthi Asana With Safety Precautions
Utpluthi Asana – Uprooting Pose What is Utpluthi Asana? The Utpluthi asana is also called Tolasana. It is an arm balance pose. The practice of this asana on a regular basis, leads to strengthening of the arms, core muscles, and the shoulders. This pendant form of asana forms a part of the Primary Series of […]
Which asana is useful for Shoulder Pressure?

Bhujapidasana – Shoulder Pressure Posture What is Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Pressure Posture)? Bhujapidasana is a deep forward bend. However, looks can be very deceiving, and this Shoulder Pressure asana says it just aptly. Your body needs to have a lot of flexibility, to be able to flex the hip joints, and propel the body forward through […]
What is Navasana and benefits with safety precautions?

Navasana – Boat Pose Introduction of Navasana Navasana -Boat Pose (4 Times Withhold 5 Breaths Each Time) is a sitting, balancing as well as forward bending asana. With regular practice, you can strengthen your core muscles and also burn belly fat.Navasana also tones the muscles of the back and the abs. Here in Navasana, you […]
4 Variations of Marichasana with its benefits & safety decoded

Marichasana With A, B, C, D Variations What is Marichasana? Marichasana is a pose or asana in the Ashtanga Primary series. It is a combination of the hip opener asana, along with hamstrings and waist muscles loosener. You have to combine it with the Janusirsasana. After you do the variation A, you can do the […]
3 Variation of Janusirsasana With its Benefits & Safety Precaution

Janusirsasana – Head To Knee Pose Janusirsasana A – Head To Knee Pose Janusirsasana is an amazing head-to-knee pose, which is a part of the Ashtanga Primary series. Janusirsasana is mainly an asymmetric forward-bending pose that involves stretching and twisting the body. You can address it as a beginner’s pose. The main target of the […]
Yoga Mudra Asana – Sealed Yoga Pose | Steps & Benefits
Yoga Mudra Asana The word ‘mudra’ actually means ‘seal’ or ‘gesture’. But in this context, it is a seated posture that has immense benefits. The yogi who practices this pose, has to embrace the Adi Mudra, while doing this posture. If you check the Padmasana flow of postures, this happens to be the culminating posture. […]
8 Benefits of Triyang Mukhaipada Paschimotanasana

Triyang Mukhaipada Paschimotanasana – One Leg Folded Forward Bend Pose What is Triyang Mukhaipada Paschimotanasana? The Triyang Mukhaipada Paschimotanasana is one of the seated poses, in the Ashtanga Primary series. The pose is a bit different from the other seated asanas, as it involves hip rotation. You can loosen up your hip muscles and hamstrings, […]
7 Benefits & Safety of Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotanasana

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Pose What is Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotanasana? Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotanasana is an asymmetrical seated pose, in which you have to sit in Paschimottasana, with one leg in padma asana. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotanasana pose is one of the first ones, when you are starting […]