When you indulge in any form of exercise, the body demands a lot of oxygen. But the most amazing part is, when you perform Bhastrika Pranayama, the body gets a good boost of oxygen, without the body asking for it. It is the process of fast inhalation and exhalation, which is equivalent to the Breath of Fire. So, when you need a lot of energy, you must perform Bhastrika Pranayama. 

Anatomical Implications

Bhastrika Pranayama is one of the most important types of Pranayama, wherein ‘Bhastrika’ means ‘Bellows’. It is also called Bellows Breath for the very same reason. The air is forcefully inhaled and exhaled from the lungs, just like that of the blacksmith’s bellows. When you do this Pranayama daily. Your diaphragm and abdominal muscles get strengthened. An increased exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place as well. It can also cure any sort of inflammation in the throat, and also reduces phlegm formation. Apart from the above, the pranayama practice also strengthens the nervous system. 

Bhastrika Pranayama is an effective way to improve the respiratory muscular function in young adult males, who smoke a lot. If you practice it for a few minutes daily, it may help in destressing as well. You can make it an ally in your physical fitness and lifestyle modification. Moreover, it can help in maintaining better physical and mental health. 

How To Do Bhastrika Pranayama?

  • You have to sit in Vajrasana or Sukhasana, when you intend to do Bhastrika Pranayama. 
  • When you sit in Vajrasana, the spine is erect, so it can aid you in doing Pranayama in a better manner. 
  • You have to make a fist and then fold both arms. After doing that, you have to keep both fists near the shoulders. 
  • Inhale deeply and raise your hands, while opening the fists. 
  • In the next step, you have to exhale, and bring the arms down. You have to bring them again to the original position near your shoulders, while closing the fist. 
  • Continue this practice for atleast 20 breaths. 
  • Then, you have to relax by keeping your palms on your thighs. 
  • Take a few normal breaths. 
  • Continue for two more rounds. 

Bhastrika Pranayama


  • If you are practicing Bhastrika Pranayama for the first time, you should only do the slow-paced version. 
  • In a single day, you can practice three rounds at the most. You should also take break in between each round. 
  • Bhastrika is an advanced Pranayama technique, so you need to know abdominal breathing before attempting it. 
  • While practicing Bhastrika Pranayama, you should have a Sattvic diet
  • You should also do enema to clean the bowels regularly while practicing Bhastrika. 


Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama

  • It can provide you with huge reserves of energy. Moreover, it also rejuvenates the mind. 
  • It is a yogic breathing technique, which also removes toxins from the blood stream. 
  • You will also get relief in respiratory issues. 
  • After you keep practicing it daily, you will become more aware of your body in relation to the surroundings. 
  • You can also strengthen your abdominal muscles through the regular practice of Bhastrika Pranayama. 

Contraindication Of Bhastrika Pranayama

  • You have to ensure to practice Bhastrika Pranayama on an empty stomach. 
  • If you are expecting a baby, you cannot do it. 
  • You should do the Pranayama at your own pace. Do not hurry much. 
  • If you suffer from hypertension or panic a lot, then you should do it under expert supervision. 
  • If you are menstruating, you should not engage in the practice. 


Bhastrika Pranayama is extremely useful in energising the body and the mind. It also removes toxins from the body and also removes phlegm from the lungs. So, you should ensure to practice it on a regular basis.