Yoga Therapy For Gas In The Stomach | 3 Best Yoga Asanas To Relieve Gas and Bloating

Gas in the stomach, or flatulence is a common problem nowadays. Most of the people report this on a daily basis. Gas is generally formed as a result of the digestive system’s processes. You can get rid of the gas through the mouth in the form of a burp. Additionally, many people do so, in the form of farting. People can let out gas at least 20 times a day. It is quite ordinary; however, you may feel embarrassed.

Gas formation in the digestive system takes place in two ways, one is by swallowing excess air, and secondly when the bacteria in the stomach act on the food. Undigested food often moves from the small intestine to the large intestine, and that is where the bacteria work on it, making carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane.

Some of the foods that we consume has a greater tendency to produce gas in the stomach. They are cabbage, cauliflower, onions, dairy products, and fruit drinks. Overall, flatulence or bloating occurs due to many reasons. There could be some underlying causes as well. There could be Fluid build-up, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colon Cancer, Hernia, or Lactose Intolerance. Celiac disease may also be behind gas formation.

However, most of time, diseases that arise due to the formation of excess gas are easily treatable. If you change your eating habits, the problems associated with gas can be managed. There is help at hand in the form of yoga, too. If you have ever visited a yoga school in Rishikesh, and attended the classes, you may have experienced the same.

Yoga Asanas For Gas In The Stomach

The ancient science has hidden quite a bit for all of us. The more go in to the depths, the more you know. In course of time, you may even realize that you do not need to go to a doctor. You can manage all kinds of diseases by yourself. Let us find out specifically, which yoga poses can help you to stop gas formation in the first place, or release it fully, to avoid discomfort.

⦁ Pavanmuktasana – This is one of the most popular poses for all those who suffer from gas in the stomach. It will also help you to relax the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. You have to lie on your back, with both the legs stretched out in front. Slowly, bend one leg at the knee and bring it close to the chest. Wrap both your hands around the knees and maintain the position.

You can feel some of the stored gas getting released. You have to repeat the same, on the other side of the body as well. Then finally, you can do the pose with both legs. The chin has to be tucked inside the chest cavity, while you are at it.

⦁ Paschimottasana – This is another very common yoga asana, which you can do today. You simply have to sit, with the legs stretched out in front of you. Then slowly, bend your body from the waist and touch the feet. You have to take the forehead forward as well, and try to bring it in contact with the knees. You can also hold the sides of the feet, according to your comfort levels.

The best teachers will guide you initially, through the posture, till you are confident enough to do it on your own. This pose improves the digestion as well. If you are a beginner, you can also do this pose, with a strap. In course of time, all your flatulence and digestive issues will be solved.

⦁ Ustrasana – This is also called as the Camel pose. You can do this asana, to get rid of the gas and also aid in digestion. This is a deep belly stretch, that you will get. The torso is hunched like that of a camel’s in this pose. You must do this initially with the help of your yoga instructor.

Yoga Therapy For Gas In The Stomach

There are some really good instructors in Rishikesh, who can help you make the most of your yoga session. They will also teach you the alignments. The more you concentrate on them, the better your postures get. You can also get the best advantage by managing the diseases at hand.

You must enrol for a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh for maximum benefits today. Learn about yoga in complete details. The same will help you to maintain your health in the long run, so you will need to make fewer number of visits to the Emergency Room. As a part of the course, you will also learn about Ayurvedic diet. Consume more foods like Khichari, Lassi, Ginger, Triphala, Fennel, and so on.

These will stop the formation of excess gas and also cool the stomach. Moreover, you will also be able to get rid of the excess gas inside your stomach.

Pramod Sahoo
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