3 Yoga Poses To Help Relieve Shoulder Pain | Yoga Therapy For Shoulder Pain

For the unversed, the shoulder is one of the joints in the human body, which has a huge range of motion. It has a group of four muscles, called as Rotator Cuff muscles, that allows so much motion. However, the human body can fall prey to various ailments. There may be changes in the bone structure and density, apart from swelling in the area. You may feel the pain emanating, while moving the hands forward and upwards. If you want to learn about the human anatomy in more detail, then you should join the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

You will learn in depth, about the human body, and how you can make it stronger. Moreover, you also learn about disease management through yoga. But for now, you can read through this article, to find out about the symptoms and causes and possible management of shoulder pain. Yoga therapy has been recognized across the world for curative as well as preventative treatment.

Yoga therapy provides instant relief from shoulder pain by combining gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and mindful breathing. It improves circulation, releases tension, and promotes relaxation, reducing pain and stiffness. Regular practice enhances flexibility and posture, preventing future shoulder issues.

Causes and Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

You may suffer injuries to the shoulder, or normal wear and tear can also lead to shoulder pain. When the tendons in the Rotator Cuff muscles get buried inside the bones, shoulder pain may show up. The tendons can also become inflamed, due to long range motion. This is often termed as Bursitis. But that is not all.

Shoulder pain may be a result of other conditions as well, like Arthritis, growth of bone spurs, or a broken shoulder pain. The shoulder joint may also get dislocated. You may also suffer from frozen shoulder, which may cause shoulder pain.

If your standing and sitting posture is bad, then also you may feel the pain. You may also experience shoulder pain, if you have issues in some other area of the body like the neck or the lungs. You should get it diagnosed properly, before taking the next step. You can go to a yoga school in Rishikesh, for recuperation, after you find out what led to the pain.

Here are a few yoga poses, which can help you to get rid of the pain, as a form of alternative care and also manage the pain, later on in life.

3 Yoga Poses To Help Relieve Shoulder Pain

⦁ Cat-Cow Pose – This is one of the best yoga poses, which you can start with. If you do this regularly, you can get rid of the pain and also keep it away. It can also help in warming up the spine. You will also feel a stretching motion in the neck, torso and the back. While you are practicing this pose, ensure to keep your shoulders drawn out. You must start in the table top pose, with the hands directly beneath the shoulders, and the knees beneath the hips.

Your head should be in a neutral position, with you looking at the floor. As you inhale air, you have to lift the chest upwards, while the belly area sinks down. Lift the head, to look forward. While exhaling, you have to lift the spine upwards, and release the head downwards. However, refrain from tucking the chin into the chest. Repeat the same, as many times you want to.


Cat-Cow Pose for shoulder pain

⦁ Cow Face Pose – It is also quite popular as the Gomukhasana. If you have tight shoulders, then you should do this with a yoga strap. Sit in Dandasana pose, and then bend the left leg over the right one. The knees should be stacked on top of one another. And, the left foot will be based beside the right hip. You have to be seated on your sitting bones. In this process, if you feel uncomfortable, then you can also use a folded blanket underneath.

The left arm has to be taken back, making right angle with the floor. The palms have to face the back wall. On the other hand, you have to take the right hand, and move it over the shoulders, while maintaining contact with the ears. You have to try to grasp the other hand at the back. If you have stiff joints, you can use a strap between the hands. This is an excellent asana or pose, which can relieve your shoulder pain.


⦁ Savasana – Once you are done with the above poses, you can try a relaxing pose, called Savasana or the Corpse pose. You will get a lot of relaxation in this pose, but do not make the mistake of underestimating the pose’s benefits. Your body will be in neutral position, in this asana. You can feel the pain melt away, while you engage in conscious relaxation as a part of this pose.

These are a few of the asana practices, which you can engage in, to get over your shoulder pain. There are more such ways, in yoga, which you can adopt as well. Enrol yourself in the yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, to get guidance on the same.

Yoga Pose For Shoulder Pain                                                  Yoga Pose For Shoulder Pain[/caption

Pramod Sahoo
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