What Is Pranayama? Is It Included in The Yoga Teacher Training Course? If not, why?

Pranayama is an age-old breathing technique, that is as old as yoga itself. It mainly involves controlling the breath and manipulating it for better benefits. In the past, many sages and seers practiced Pranayama as a way to generate and regulate prana throughout out the body. That is the reason probably, why they could stay […]

What is Shitkari Pranayama? Steps, Precautions & 8 Amazing Benefits of Shitkari Pranayama

Often called ‘hissing breath’, it is one of the alternatives to Shitali Pranayama. Some people have also named it the ‘Python’s breath’. Just like Shitali Pranayam, Shitkari Pranayama is also very beneficial in cooling the breath. In Shitkari Pranayama, you have to breathe in through the clenched teeth.  Anatomical Implications It is one of the […]

What is Murcha Pranayama? Steps, Amazing Benefits & Precautions

Murcha Pranayama is also known in Yogic circles as Swooning breath. It is a process, where you have to perform a complete and slow inhalation, followed by a full phase of retention. You have to lock your chin, until you feel like fainting. When you close the airways with the chin lock or Jalandhara bandha, […]

What is the importance of yoga to maintain physical and mental health?

Today, most people are turning to yoga for mental happiness and relaxation. It is something, that the world always knew about. However, people have turned more accepting of the same. You may also come face-to-face with people, who do yoga for physical fitness. And, that is what, most studios and schools project it as. If […]

What Is Pranayama? Is It Included in The Yoga Teacher Training Course? If not, why?

What Is Pranayama? Pranayama is an age-old breathing technique, that is as old as yoga itself. It mainly involves controlling the breath and manipulating it for better benefits. In the past, many sages and seers practiced Pranayama as a way to generate and regulate prana throughout out the body. That is the reason probably, why […]

Bhastrika Pranayama | How To Do Bhastrika Pranayama & Its Benefits?

Bhastrika Pranayama

When you indulge in any form of exercise, the body demands a lot of oxygen. But the most amazing part is, when you perform Bhastrika Pranayama, the body gets a good boost of oxygen, without the body asking for it. It is the process of fast inhalation and exhalation, which is equivalent to the Breath […]