Safety Precautions of Purvattanasana With 8 Benefits

Purvattanasana – Intense East Stretch What is Purvattanasana? You will also hear the name Reverse Plank being associated with this pose. Purvattanasana mainly stretches the front part of the body, and also strengthens the back. Your frontal arms also get a deep stretch. In the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series, you will be doing the Intense […]
7 Steps of Paschimotanasana With Benefits & Safety Precautions

Paschimotanasana – Full Forward Bend West Stretch Pose What is Paschimotanasana? Paschimotanasana is one of the most basic foundation poses in yoga. Moreover, it is something, that most yoga enthusiasts breeze through in the first month itself. The Paschimotanasana is mainly a forward bending pose, which stretches the entire body. Your physical flexibility is increased […]
7 Benefits of Dandassana with its Safety Precautions

Dandassana – Staff Pose What is Dandassana? Dandassana is a beginner level pose, which you can practice very easily. It is mainly called a seater pose. You have to sit straight with your feet pointing forwards, with legs stretched. You have to maintain a great deal of awareness while sitting in pose. If you want […]
3 Variations of Virbhadrasana & its benefits

Virbhadrasana With Variations A, B, C What is Virbhadrasana? Virbhadrasana is a series of warrior poses, that emulates the gallantry of warriors. It is a posture, in which you have to practice certain sub-postures like lunging and standing asanas that provide the legs, spine and the torso, with a huge amount of strength. The warrior […]
Bhastrika Pranayama | How To Do Bhastrika Pranayama & Its Benefits?

When you indulge in any form of exercise, the body demands a lot of oxygen. But the most amazing part is, when you perform Bhastrika Pranayama, the body gets a good boost of oxygen, without the body asking for it. It is the process of fast inhalation and exhalation, which is equivalent to the Breath […]
7 Benefits of Utkatasana (Fierce Pose)

Utkatasana – Fierce Pose What is Utkatasana? Utkatasana or the Chair Pose is also known as the Fierce Seat or Powerful Pose. It is a strengthening and a very strong heat-building asana, that brings all parts of your body together into a powerful pose. This sitting asana is a meditation which you can do with […]
11 Steps of Ardhabadha Padmottanasana with Benefits

Ardhabadha Padmottanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Pose What is Ardhabadha Padmottanasana? Ardhabadha Padmottanasana is one of the most basic poses in Ashtanga Yoga Primary series. The Ardhabadha Padmottanasana or pose revolves around hip opening and hamstring stretching. In such asanas, the real success lies in the hips. You have to exercise a lot […]
What is Pranayama in Yoga And Role Of Different Breathing Techniques

What exactly pranayama is? Pranayama is an ancient breathing technique, that originates from the ancient spiritual practices in India. You have to mainly control the breath for different periods of time, as a part of this practice. Moreover, the inhalation, retention and exhalation styles also differ from one Pranayama to another. It has lots of […]
Utthita Hasta Padongusthasana Steps With 9 Benefits

Utthita Hasta Padongusthasana (Extended Hand To Big Toes Pose) What is Utthita Hasta Padongusthasana ? Utthita Hasta Padongusthasana is an extended hand to big toe pose, which is a balancing pose. You have to lift one leg, and hold the big toe of the feet with your fingers. It is one of the most […]
Bhramari Pranayama:How To do Humming Bee Breathing And Its Benefits

What is Bhramari Pranayama? The name Bhramari Pranayama has come down from the Indian Honey Bee. It is one of the most effective ways to calm yourself down. All those who are excessively agitated all the time, can engage in its practice. Moreover, if you want to get rid of anxiety and frustration in life, […]