Yoga Poses for beginners

If you just decided to learn yoga, that is good news. However, after stepping into the realm of yoga, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. Yoga is a holistic practice, that has been there for ages. However, in the last decade or so, it has assumed worldwide importance. To be precise, yoga is nothing but the amalgamation of the mind, body, and the soul. Yoga forms differ from one another, in a variety of aspects. You may have heard about Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga to name a few. But that is not all. There is a lot more to yoga than just postures.

You should choose your yoga form, depending on your desires and aim in life. While some of you may be looking at physical fitness, others like you may be looking at modalities to explore their subconscious or psychic abilities. There are still other yoga enthusiasts, who are looking at the purification of the entire body.

The Right Yoga Poses for beginners

You can practice yoga any age. So, that makes it non-exclusive. Moreover, you do not need to live in a particular location, to practice yoga. Today, you can also learn yoga online. If you suffer from some injury, then also you can practice yoga. If you are exercising or moving, you’re your body for the first time, then there will be knots in your muscles. Additionally, you may be inflexible.

However, that should not stop you from practicing yoga. You can always start with some of the basic postures. Once you are familiar with them, you can advance your practice.

To learn about the yoga form and to know whether it suits you or not, you should first practice it. Slowly, you will be able to identify your style. Furthermore, you need very few props and equipment to start it. Most yoga practitioners come armed with nice and loose-fitting attire, a yoga mat, and loads of confidence. You can avail yourself of more props like blocks and bands, at the best yoga school in India.

Additionally, you should choose yoga classes at the Yoga Capital of India, which is none other than Rishikesh. It is based in the foothills of the Himalayas, in tranquil surroundings. It helps you get into the very lifestyle, that is surely going to embrace you.

Starting Yoga Poses for Beginners

As a beginner of yoga, the preliminary times will be somewhat very challenging for you. Moreover, you may find certain poses to be extremely challenging. However, do not fret over such minor issues. We have some excellent yoga poses for Beginners, which you can start with. These will make your body more accustomed to various advanced postures, that you will learn in the near future.

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose

This is by far, the easiest of all yoga poses for beginners. You can gain mental clarity, focus, and balance, by practicing this pose. It mainly replicates the structure and poise of a tree. It is extremely easy to do this pose or asana.

You have to stand with both of your feet together. Then, lift the right foot, and place it on your left thigh. Lock it there. Your right knee should face outwards.

You can either hold your hands folded in front of your torso, or take both hands upwards, and do hold the palms together in a namaskar.

Hold the pose and breathe normally. You can stay in the position for a few minutes. If you feel uncomfortable balancing your body, you can also lean against a wall initially.

Repeat on the other side.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

It is another simple standing pose or asana. ‘Tada’ means mountain. So, you actually emulate the stance of a mountain through this pose. It is also the base for all standing poses. It involves all the muscles of the body, and also helps you to maintain focus and concentration. It is more than just standing with hands stretched outwards.

You need to stand with your toes together, and heels a bit away from one another.
Keep the arms beside your body.

Slowly raise your body on your toes. While doing so, you need to engage your entire body and stretch the muscles. Stretch the hands by your sides as if taking flight. Your body should be stretched all the while.

There is another variation of the Tadasana, which you can try out. You can take both your hands upwards, and keep them stretched with the fingers of both hands touching and palms facing upwards.

Hold the position for a few minutes, and then release slowly.

Yoga Poses For Beginners

Yoga Poses For Beginners

Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

This is another wonderful asana or pose, which beginners can try out. It gives a full-body workout. You actually get to stretch your waist, open up the lungs, and strengthen the legs as well. You should read the steps below.

Stand with your feet wide apart. You can rotate the right foot to the right completely. Try to balance your entire weight on both feet.

Inhale and then exhale and lift both your hands and keep them parallel to the ground. They should resemble a T-pose. Slowly, bend your body towards the right and touch the toe with the right hand. The left one should be outstretched towards the sky.

You have to look upwards.

Hold this pose for a few minutes and then come back to normal, while inhaling. Repeat on the other side.

Setu-Bandhasana or Bridge Pose

This is a pose that aims to bridge the gap between the body and the mind. It is a good back bending pose for beginners. After you get comfortable, you can get into tougher postures, like Chakra asana among others.

Lie on your back. Place the feet in a folded position hip width apart.

Firmly press your feet on the ground, and try to lift your torso and buttocks up from the ground.

Keep your hands in a firm grasp below the body, in the vacant space between the floor and your torso.

Stay in the pose for a few minutes and then come back to the round.

Savasana or Corpse Pose

No matter what yoga modality you are following, you need to close every session with the Savasana. It is the corpse pose. Apparently, it may look easy. However, it requires a lot of mental prowess to maintain the pose for a longer duration.

You just need to relax your body after all the twisting and lifting. Lie down straight on your back, with your hands by your side.

Stretch your legs a bit apart.

Your palms should face the sky. You have to breathe normally, while doing this.

This asana helps you to get grounded with mother Earth. You should lie in the position for at least 15 minutes for complete relaxation.

So, now you know, which asana to perform as a beginner. These asanas or poses open up the muscles and make them more receptive physically and mentally. So, you can slowly graduate to tougher poses in the future. You can choose Hari Om Yoga Vidya School as your stepping stone to the world of yoga. Align yourself with the universal consciousness today.

Yoga Poses for Beginners